Thanks to Lindsey Heagey and Joachim Meyer for the README template!
coldfusion is a team effort to merge and validate overlapping GPR and LiDAR datasets using Python
, Git/Github
and JupyterLab
during SnowEx Hackweek 2022. The 2020 NASA SnowEx campaign collected a variety of high-spatial resolution snow depth information using GPR, magnaprobe depth measurements, snow pit densities and LiDAR point clouds between January 29th and February 6th 2020 in the Grand Mesa study area.
Depth from LiDAR and density from GPR are compiled and then validated against snowpit density/SWE values to 'close the loop'.
- Curtis Beutler CBeutler
- Peter Marshall pmarshall24
- Tate Meehan tatemeehan
- Kori Mooney korimooney
- Alicia Pouw aliciapouw21
- Thomas Van Der Weide tvanderweide
- Megan Verfaillie Megan-Verf
- Seth Vanderwilt sethv
SiteData : snowpit information and metadata
PointData : GPR data, snow probes [('depth',),('swe'),('two_way_travel',)]
ImageData : LiDAR ASO data
LayerData : snow pit data (density, depth)
- Find LiDAR area with GPR validation data in western and central Grand Mesa study area and create code to query data from database.
Validate using:
- Snow pits (Snow depths & Density)
- Magnaprobe (snow depth)
- SNOTEL (snow depth) Mesa Lakes (622)
- Ensure GPR & LiDAR are on like coordinate systems and co-locate GPR points to LiDAR points
- Calculate snow density using dielectric permittivity and wave speed using LiDAR snow depths.
- Validate by co-locating in-situ snow density and snow depth
- Machine Learning
- Look at other sites
Application of Machine Learning to begin looking at other study sites
List one specific application of this work.
If you already have some data to explore, briefly describe it here (size, format, how to access).
How would you or others traditionally try to address this problem?
Building from what you learn at this hackweek, what new approaches would you like to try to implement?
Optional: links to manuscripts or technical documents for more in-depth analysis.
Globally ignored files bygit
for the project.environment.yml
environment description needed to run this
Description of the project (see suggested headings below)
Each team member has their own folder under contributors, where they can work on their contribution to the project. Having a dedicated folder for each person prevents conflicts when merging with the main branch.
Notebooks that are considered delivered results for the project should go in here.
Helper utilities that are shared with the team
SiteData Columns | PointData Columns | ImageData Columns | LayerData Columns |
air_temp | date | date | bottom_depth |
aspect | date_accessed | date accessed | comments |
date | doi | description | date |
date_accessed | easting | doi | date_accessed |
doi | elevation | instrument | depth |
easting | equipment | metadata | doi |
elevation | geom | observers | easting |
geom | instrument | raster | elevation |
ground_condition | latitude | registry | flags |
ground_roughness | longitude | site_name | geom |
ground_vegetation | metadata | time_created | instrument |
latitude | northing | time_updated | latitude |
longitude | observers | type | longitude |
metadata | registry | units | metadata |
northing | site_id | ----------- | northing |
pit_id | site_name | ----------- | observers |
precip | time | ----------- | pit_id |
registry | time | ----------- | registry |
site_id | time_updated | ----------- | sample_a |
site_name | type | ----------- | sample_b |
site_notes | units | ----------- | sample_c |
sky_cover | utm_zone | ----------- | site_id |
slope_angle | value | ----------- | site_name |
time | version_number | ----------- | time |
time_created | ----------- | ----------- | time_created |
time_updated | ----------- | ----------- | time_updated |
total_depth | ----------- | ----------- | type |
tree_canopy | ----------- | ----------- | units |
utm_zone | ----------- | ----------- | utm_zone |
vegetation_height | ----------- | ----------- | value |
weather_description | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- |
wind | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- |
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Smith",
"age": 25