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chrisd1100 edited this page Aug 25, 2022 · 1 revision

Simple data structures.


Name Brief
MTY_HashCreate Create an MTY_Hash for key/value lookup.
MTY_HashDestroy Destroy an MTY_Hash.
MTY_HashGet Get a value from a hash by string key.
MTY_HashGetInt Get a value from a hash by integer key.
MTY_HashSet Set a value in a hash by string key.
MTY_HashSetInt Set a value in a hash by integer key.
MTY_HashPop Get and remove a value from a hash by string key.
MTY_HashPopInt Get and remove a value from a hash by integer key.
MTY_HashGetNextKey Iterate through string key/value pairs in a hash.
MTY_HashGetNextKeyInt Iterate through integer key/value pairs in a hash.
MTY_QueueCreate Create an MTY_Queue for thread safe serialization.
MTY_QueueDestroy Destroy an MTY_Queue.
MTY_QueueGetLength Get the current number of items in the queue.
MTY_QueueGetInputBuffer Lock and retrieve the next available input buffer from the queue.
MTY_QueuePush Push and unlock the most recently acquired input buffer.
MTY_QueueGetOutputBuffer Lock and retrieve the next available output buffer from the queue.
MTY_QueueGetLastOutputBuffer Lock and retrieve the most recently pushed output buffer from the queue.
MTY_QueuePop Unlock the most recently acquired output buffer and mark it as empty.
MTY_QueuePushPtr Push a pointer allocated by the caller to a queue.
MTY_QueuePopPtr Pop a pointer allocated by the caller from a queue.
MTY_QueueFlush Set all buffers in a queue as empty.
MTY_ListCreate Create an MTY_List for a flexibly sized array.
MTY_ListDestroy Destroy an MTY_List.
MTY_ListGetFirst Get the first node in a list.
MTY_ListAppend Append an item to a list.
MTY_ListRemove Remove a node from a list and return its item.


Name Brief
MTY_ListNode Node in a linked list.

Function Typedefs

Name Brief
MTY_FreeFunc Function that frees resources you allocated within a data structure.
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