Releases: snakemake/snakemake-wrappers
Releases · snakemake/snakemake-wrappers
- add expected output checking to
function (fix: ensembl-reference wrapper download >1 chromosome) (#3432) (53cfae1) - Add support for seqkit split2 (#3575) (7250679)
- allow snakemake object access in datavzrd config template (#3598) (0018aa9)
- Deeptools bampefragmentsize (#3596) (6e90858)
- Varscan2 - SnpEff Meta wrapper (#3501) (71a8434)
Performance Improvements
- autobump bio/deeptools/alignmentsieve (#3604) (37e698b)
- autobump bio/deeptools/bamcoverage (#3605) (6ae4984)
- autobump bio/deeptools/bampefragmentsize (#3620) (1aec315)
- autobump bio/deeptools/computematrix (#3610) (e65b8b7)
- autobump bio/deeptools/multibigwigsummary (#3601) (92db3d9)
- autobump bio/deeptools/plotcorrelation (#3603) (d88799d)
- autobump bio/deeptools/plotcoverage (#3608) (71d12f8)
- autobump bio/deeptools/plotfingerprint (#3606) (d4338f7)
- autobump bio/deeptools/plotheatmap (#3609) (37193fa)
- autobump bio/deeptools/plotpca (#3607) (8f55536)
- autobump bio/deeptools/plotprofile (#3602) (f8a73d7)
- autobump bio/diamond/blastp (#3621) (1ead3d4)
- autobump bio/diamond/blastx (#3623) (0defe92)
- autobump bio/diamond/makedb (#3622) (6875eec)
- autobump bio/emu/abundance (#3611) (05184ad)
- autobump bio/emu/collapse-taxonomy (#3613) (6da07c9)
- autobump bio/emu/combine-outputs (#3612) (8e3ac2b)
- autobump bio/multiqc (#3614) (b4cfe2c)
- autobump bio/ngsbits/sampleancestry (#3626) (759dc33)
- autobump bio/ngsbits/samplesimilarity (#3625) (d7318e1)
- autobump bio/varlociraptor/estimate-alignment-properties (#3546) (2686e34)
- autobump bio/vg/autoindex (#3634) (a8f6d51)
- autobump bio/vg/construct (#3629) (b138000)
- autobump bio/vg/giraffe (#3630) (6755303)
- autobump bio/vg/ids (#3628) (db777b6)
- autobump bio/vg/kmers (#3632) (8f82f23)
- autobump bio/vg/merge (#3633) (a775573)
- autobump bio/vg/prune (#3627) (c8b6faf)
- autobump bio/vg/sim (#3631) (463448a)
- autobump bio/whatshap/haplotag (#3616) (33d5b76)
- autobump utils/datavzrd (#3600) (3fa9fb5)
- autobump utils/datavzrd (#3619) (27f227f)
- update datavzrd to v2.48.0 (#3618) (04e2a56)
Performance Improvements
- autobump bio/bbtools (#3581) (38301dd)
- autobump bio/delly (#3583) (ea05ca4)
- autobump bio/homer/annotatePeaks (#3587) (a42b7c5)
- autobump bio/homer/findPeaks (#3589) (070d08f)
- autobump bio/homer/getDifferentialPeaks (#3588) (8c1b169)
- autobump bio/homer/makeTagDirectory (#3586) (f888ec0)
- autobump bio/homer/mergePeaks (#3585) (6a4c189)
- autobump bio/last/lastal (#3591) (56e8599)
- autobump bio/last/lastdb (#3590) (e22bbb8)
- autobump bio/sourmash/compute (#3592) (f81c5ed)
- autobump bio/varlociraptor/call-variants (#3595) (917ba7b)
- autobump bio/varlociraptor/control-fdr (#3593) (1e41c98)
- autobump bio/varlociraptor/preprocess-variants (#3594) (49be17d)
- autobump utils/datavzrd (#3584) (beceba8)
Performance Improvements
- autobump bio/cutadapt/pe (#3550) (8dc7d5f)
- autobump bio/cutadapt/se (#3549) (fcb5a3d)
- autobump bio/dada2/add-species (#3572) (f80df41)
- autobump bio/dada2/assign-species (#3567) (b2b8aa6)
- autobump bio/dada2/assign-taxonomy (#3566) (4a52888)
- autobump bio/dada2/collapse-nomismatch (#3561) (7336f21)
- autobump bio/dada2/dereplicate-fastq (#3559) (ff6ae97)
- autobump bio/dada2/filter-trim (#3564) (7a44108)
- autobump bio/dada2/learn-errors (#3562) (cf4d4c5)
- autobump bio/dada2/make-table (#3560) (ccceca5)
- autobump bio/dada2/merge-pairs (#3571) (c3ce836)
- autobump bio/dada2/quality-profile (#3570) (f6bec9b)
- autobump bio/dada2/remove-chimeras (#3563) (469ae13)
- autobump bio/dada2/sample-inference (#3565) (6abbd40)
- autobump bio/delly (#3578) (6acdb27)
- autobump bio/deseq2/deseqdataset (#3568) (89ad456)
- autobump bio/deseq2/wald (#3569) (c7d448e)
- autobump bio/enhancedvolcano (#3551) (e9b05eb)
- autobump bio/freebayes (#3579) (793dbdb)
- autobump bio/gdc-api/bam-slicing (#3540) (be07804)
- autobump bio/hifiasm (#3541) (ac72153)
- autobump bio/hifiasm (#3552) (78986be)
- autobump bio/last/lastal (#3554) (ae1eef1)
- autobump bio/last/lastdb (#3553) (783b6eb)
- autobump bio/multiqc (#3573) (a5379bc)
- autobump bio/open-cravat/module (#3556) (478426e)
- autobump bio/open-cravat/run (#3555) (e4057fb)
- autobump bio/pbmm2/align (#3557) (237d150)
- autobump bio/pbmm2/index (#3558) (7b6aa5c)
- autobump bio/pcaexplorer/pcaplot (#3580) (561ea6c)
- autobump bio/sourmash/compute (#3543) (c8c8cdb)
- autobump bio/subread/featurecounts (#3544) (edfac80)
- autobump bio/tximport (#3576) (b41d72b)
- autobump bio/varlociraptor/call-variants (#3548) (b18ec90)
- autobump bio/varlociraptor/control-fdr (#3545) (75fae1d)
- autobump bio/varlociraptor/preprocess-variants (#3547) (48fa286)
- autobump bio/vsearch (#3574) (d451c9e)
- autobump utils/datavzrd (#3538) (0ed0bda)
- autobump utils/datavzrd (#3577) (a63bdf9)
- NGS-bits SampleAncestry (#3502) (8600d44)
- NGS-bits SampleSimilarity (#3500) (710597c)
- NGSCheckMate make pattern (#3499) (3b96cc1)
- Sex.DetERRmine (#3497) (3919f2e)
Performance Improvements
- autobump bio/bbtools (#3507) (19d027d)
- autobump bio/busco (#3506) (aad4b56)
- autobump bio/busco (#3519) (6af2e11)
- autobump bio/encode_fastq_downloader (#3521) (cbf06d2)
- autobump bio/freebayes (#3509) (12b8b3c)
- autobump bio/gatk3/baserecalibrator (#3523) (7a7518e)
- autobump bio/gatk3/indelrealigner (#3525) (a0d913c)
- autobump bio/gatk3/printreads (#3524) (67af9a6)
- autobump bio/gatk3/realignertargetcreator (#3522) (5f8ffe7)
- autobump bio/hifiasm (#3510) (2b1b9f2)
- autobump bio/mapdamage2 (#3526) (92da252)
- autobump bio/mosdepth (#3511) (762b273)
- autobump bio/mtnucratio (#3512) (7f6a3b0)
- autobump bio/ngsbits/sampleancestry (#3527) (2abf38c)
- autobump bio/ngsbits/samplesimilarity (#3529) (c91ce10)
- autobump bio/ngscheckmate/makesnvpattern (#3528) (ff9a81d)
- autobump bio/reference/ensembl-mysql-table (#3513) (6b5c545)
- autobump bio/sexdeterrmine (#3514) (2b18309)
- autobump bio/spades/metaspades (#3530) (070b9b6)
- autobump bio/varlociraptor/call-variants (#3533) (8c563f1)
- autobump bio/varlociraptor/control-fdr (#3532) (ce7d1b0)
- autobump bio/varlociraptor/estimate-alignment-properties (#3531) (0b5ac04)
- autobump bio/varlociraptor/preprocess-variants (#3534) (56a8933)
- autobump bio/vep/annotate (#3515) (2609900)
- autobump bio/vep/cache (#3516) (f46427c)
- autobump bio/vep/plugins (#3535) (9a6ccc3)
- autobump bio/vg/giraffe (#3517) (6fffdd6)
- autobump utils/csvtk (#3508) (41e8545)
- autobump utils/csvtk (#3520) (d4a52e5)