cd $SOURCE_ROOT/infrastructure/dockerkit
Run the following commands from the directory listed above:
cd postgres/ docker build -t postgres . cd miniscule/ docker build -t miniscule . cd pybase/ docker build -t pybase . cd vol/ ./
SOURCE_ROOT=/home/drocco/source/brightlink $HOME/src/ ├── brighttrac │ ├── adex │ ├── cdca │ … ├── clarus │ ├── cidq │ ├── clarus │ ├── compass │ ├── psi_cosmo │ ├── envirocert │ ├── nasm │ ├── nha │ ├── nha_student_portal │ ├── uppcc │ └── wacos ├── infrastructure │ ├── blauthentication │ ├── blbackup │ ├── blconfig │ ├── blcore │ ├── blcrypto │ …
sudo apt-get install jq libyaml-0-2 complete steps 1-11 under "Update your apt sources" Reason for these preliminary steps is to use docker repository to get docker to keep most up to date
On step 7, if you need to determine your Ubuntu version:
lsb_release -a
Step 11:
$ apt-cache policy docker-engine docker-engine: Installed: (none) Candidate: 1.11.1-0~trusty Version table: 1.11.1-0~trusty 0 500 ubuntu-trusty/main amd64 Packages ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Note: Skip "Ubuntu Precise 12.04 (LTS)" section and jump to "Install"
Verify docker group exists:
grep docker </etc/group
Step 3 is to add yourself to docker group.:
$ sudo usermod -aG docker `whoami`
Logout or reboot to trigger that change
Get a whale:
$ docker run docker/whalesay cowsay Howdy!
Install busybox image next ("-it" says interactive and connect to terminal):
$ docker run -it busybox
Step 1 is to download dockerkit:
cd ~/src/ mkdir -p infratructure cd infrastructure git clone
Step 2 is to make sure you have a bin:
mkdir -p ~/bin
Step 3 (Optional) Set the source root:
echo 'export SOURCE_ROOT=$HOME/source/' >>~/.bashrc ^^^^^^^^
Step 4 is to link dockerkit bin to your personal bin directory:
cd ~/bin ln -s $SOURCE_ROOT/infrastructure/dockerkit/bin/* .
Make sure PATH includes $HOME/bin
export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH:$BLGIT_ROOT/bin
step 5 is to set the active client
Put in ~/.bash_aliases:
# # set the active client, which adjusts the behavior of certain commands # (e.g. ,snapdb) # ,set_client() { if [ -z $1 ]; then echo -n > ~/.client else echo $1 > ~/.client fi }
Check that it worked by runnning:
cat ~/.client