python-google-places provides a simple wrapper around the experimental Google Places API.
pip install
pip install python-google-places
Download source and then:
python install
A Google API key with Google Places API Web Service and Google Maps Geocoding API activated against it. Please check the Google API console, here:
Code is easier to understand than words, so let us dive right in:
from googleplaces import GooglePlaces, types, lang
google_places = GooglePlaces(YOUR_API_KEY)
# You may prefer to use the text_search API, instead.
query_result = google_places.nearby_search(
location='London, England', keyword='Fish and Chips',
radius=20000, types=[types.TYPE_FOOD])
# If types param contains only 1 item the request to Google Places API
# will be send as type param to fullfil:
if query_result.has_attributions:
print query_result.html_attributions
for place in query_result.places:
# Returned places from a query are place summaries.
print place.geo_location
print place.place_id
# The following method has to make a further API call.
# Referencing any of the attributes below, prior to making a call to
# get_details() will raise a googleplaces.GooglePlacesAttributeError.
print place.details # A dict matching the JSON response from Google.
print place.local_phone_number
print place.international_phone_number
print place.url
# Getting place photos
for photo in
# 'maxheight' or 'maxwidth' is required
photo.get(maxheight=500, maxwidth=500)
# MIME-type, e.g. 'image/jpeg'
# Image URL
# Original filename (optional)
# Raw image data
# Are there any additional pages of results?
if query_result.has_next_page_token:
query_result_next_page = google_places.nearby_search(
# Adding and deleting a place
added_place = google_places.add_place(name='Mom and Pop local store',
lat_lng={'lat': 51.501984, 'lng': -0.141792},
print added_place.place_id # The Google Places identifier - Important!
# Delete the place that you've just added.
except GooglePlacesError as error_detail:
# You've passed in parameter values that the Places API doesn't like..
print error_detail
googleplaces.GooglePlacesError googleplaces.GooglePlacesAttributeError googleplaces.geocode_location(location, sensor=False, api_key=None) Converts a human-readable location to a Dict containing the keys: lat, lng. Raises googleplaces.GooglePlacesError if the geocoder fails to find the specified location. googleplaces.GooglePlaces nearby_search(**kwargs) Returns googleplaces.GooglePlacesSearchResult kwargs: keyword -- A term to be matched against all available fields, including but not limited to name, type, and address (default None) language -- The language code, indicating in which language the results should be returned, if possble. (default en) lat_lng -- A dict containing the following keys: lat, lng (default None) location -- A human readable location, e.g 'London, England' (default None) name -- A term to be matched against the names of the Places. Results will be restricted to those containing the passed name value. (default None) pagetoken-- Optional parameter to force the search result to return the next 20 results from a previously run search. Setting this parameter will execute a search with the same parameters used previously. (default None) radius -- The radius (in meters) around the location/lat_lng to restrict the search to. The maximum is 50000 meters (default 3200) rankby -- Specifies the order in which results are listed: 'prominence' (default) or 'distance' (imply no radius argument) sensor -- Indicates whether or not the Place request came from a device using a location sensor (default False) type -- An optional type used for restricting the results to Places (default None) types -- An optional list of types, restricting the results to Places (default []). This kwarg has been deprecated in favour of the 'type' kwarg. text_search(**kwargs) Returns googleplaces.GooglePlacesSearchResult kwargs: query -- The text string on which to search, for example: "Restaurant in New York". lat_lng -- A dict containing the following keys: lat, lng (default None) location -- A human readable location, e.g 'London, England' (default None) language -- The language code, indicating in which language the results should be returned, if possble. (default en) pagetoken-- Optional parameter to force the search result to return the next 20 results from a previously run search. Setting this parameter will execute a search with the same parameters used previously. (default None) radius -- The radius (in meters) around the location/lat_lng to restrict the search to. The maximum is 50000 meters (default 3200) type -- An optional type used for restricting the results to Places (default None) types -- An optional list of types, restricting the results to Places (default []) This kwarg has been deprecated in favour of the 'type' kwarg. autocomplete(**kwargs): Returns googleplaces.GoogleAutocompleteSearchResult kwargs: input -- The text string on which to search, for example: "Hattie B's". lat_lng -- A dict containing the following keys: lat, lng (default None) location -- A human readable location, e.g 'London, England' (default None) radius -- The radius (in meters) around the location to which the search is to be restricted. The maximum is 50000 meters. (default 3200) language -- The language code, indicating in which language the results should be returned, if possible. (default lang.ENGLISH) types -- A type to search against. See `` "autocomplete types" for complete list components -- An optional grouping of places to which you would like to restrict your results. An array containing one or more tuples of: * country: matches a country name or a two letter ISO 3166-1 country code. eg: [('country','US')] radar_search(**kwargs) Returns googleplaces.GooglePlacesSearchResult kwargs: keyword -- A term to be matched against all available fields, including but not limited to name, type, and address (default None) name -- A term to be matched against the names of Places. Results will be restricted to those containing the passed name value. opennow -- Returns only those Places that are open for business at the time the query is sent lat_lng -- A dict containing the following keys: lat, lng (default None) location -- A human readable location, e.g 'London, England' (default None) language -- The language code, indicating in which language the results should be returned, if possble. (default en) radius -- The radius (in meters) around the location/lat_lng to restrict the search to. The maximum is 50000 meters (default 3200) sensor -- Indicates whether or not the Place request came from a device using a location sensor (default False). type -- An optional type used for restricting the results to Places (default None) types -- An optional list of types, restricting the results to Places (default []) This kwarg has been deprecated in favour of the 'type' kwarg. get_place(**kwargs) Returns a detailed instance of googleplaces.Place place_id -- The unique Google identifier for the required place. language -- The language code, indicating in which language the results should be returned, if possble. (default en) sensor -- Indicates whether or not the Place request came from a device using a location sensor (default False). checkin(place_id, sensor=False) Checks in an anonymous user in to the Place that matches the place_id. kwargs: place_id -- The unique Google identifier for the required place. sensor -- Boolean flag denoting if the location came from a device using its location sensor (default False). add_place(**kwargs) Returns a dict containing the following keys: place_id, id. kwargs: name -- The full text name of the Place. Limited to 255 characters. lat_lng -- A dict containing the following keys: lat, lng. accuracy -- The accuracy of the location signal on which this request is based, expressed in meters. types -- The category in which this Place belongs. Only one type can currently be specified for a Place. A string or single element list may be passed in. language -- The language in which the Place's name is being reported. (default googleplaces.lang.ENGLISH). sensor -- Boolean flag denoting if the location came from a device using its location sensor (default False). delete_place(place_id, sensor=False) Deletes a place from the Google Places database. kwargs: place_id -- The unique Google identifier for the required place. sensor -- Boolean flag denoting if the location came from a device using its location sensor (default False). googleplaces.GoogleAutocompleteSearchResult raw_response Returns the raw JSON response from the Autocomplete API. predictions Returns an array of prediction objects. googleplaces.GooglePlacesSearchResult raw_response The raw JSON response returned by the Google Places API. places A list of summary googleplaces.Place instances. has_attributions() Returns a flag indicating if the search result has html attributions that must be displayed. html_attributions() Returns a List of String html attributions that must be displayed along with the search results. googleplaces.Prediction description String representation of a Prediction location. Generally contains name, country, and elements contained in the terms property. id Returns a unique stable identifier denoting this Place. This identifier may not be used to retrieve information about this Place, but can be used to consolidate data about this Place, and to verify the identity of a Place across separate searches matched_substrings Returns the placement and offset of the matched strings for this search. A an array of dicts, each with the keys 'length' and 'offset', will be returned. place_id Returns the unique stable identifier denoting this place. This identifier may be used to retrieve information about this place. This should be considered the primary identifier of a place. reference Returns a unique identifier for the Place that can be used to fetch full details about it. It is recommended that stored references for Places be regularly updated. A Place may have many valid reference tokens. terms A list of terms which build up the description string A an array of dicts, each with the keys `offset` and `value`, will be returned. types Returns a List of feature types describing the given result. place Returns a Dict representing the full response from the details API request. This property will raise a googleplaces.GooglePlacesAttributeError if it is referenced prior to get_details() get_details(**kwargs) Retrieves full information on the place matching the reference. kwargs: language -- The language code, indicating in which language the results should be returned, if possible. This value defaults to the language that was used to generate the GooglePlacesSearchResult instance. googleplaces.Place reference (DEPRECATED) Returns a unique identifier for the Place that can be used to fetch full details about it. It is recommended that stored references for Places be regularly updated. A Place may have many valid reference tokens. id (DEPECATED) Returns a unique stable identifier denoting this Place. This identifier may not be used to retrieve information about this Place, but can be used to consolidate data about this Place, and to verify the identity of a Place across separate searches. place_id A textual identifier that uniquely identifies a place. To retrieve information about the place, pass this identifier in the placeId field of a Places API request. icon contains the URL of a suggested icon which may be displayed to the user when indicating this result on a map. types Returns a List of feature types describing the given result. geo_location Returns the geocoded latitude,longitude value for this Place. name Returns the human-readable name for the Place. vicinity Returns a feature name of a nearby location. Often this feature refers to a street or neighborhood. rating Returns the Place's rating, from 0.0 to 5.0, based on user reviews. details Returns a Dict representing the full response from the details API request. This property will raise a googleplaces.GooglePlacesAttributeError if it is referenced prior to get_details() photos returns a list of available googleplaces.Photo objects. formatted_address Returns a string containing the human-readable address of this place. Often this address is equivalent to the "postal address". This property will raise a googleplaces.GooglePlacesAttributeError if it is referenced prior to get_details() local_phone_number Returns the Place's phone number in its local format. This property will raise a googleplaces.GooglePlacesAttributeError if it is referenced prior to get_details() international_phone_number Returns the Place's phone number in international format. International format includes the country code, and is prefixed with the plus (+) sign. This property will raise a googleplaces.GooglePlacesAttributeError if it is referenced prior to get_details() website Returns the authoritative website for this Place, such as a business' homepage. url Returns the official Google Place Page URL of this Place. has_attributions Returns a flag indicating if the search result has html attributions that must be displayed. along side the detailed query result. html_attributions Returns a List of String html attributions that must be displayed along with the detailed query result. checkin() Checks in an anonynomous user in. get_details(**kwargs) Retrieves full information on the place matching the place_id. kwargs: language -- The language code, indicating in which language the results should be returned, if possible. This value defaults to the language that was used to generate the GooglePlacesSearchResult instance. googleplaces.Photo orig_height the maximum height of the origin image. orig_width the maximum height of the origin image. html_attributions Contains any required attributions. This field will always be present, but may be empty. photo_reference A string used to identify the photo when you perform a Photo request via the get method. get Fetches the actual photo data from the Google places API. mimetype Specifies the mimetype if the fetched image. This property is only available after the get API has been invoked. filename Specifies the filename of the fetched image. This property is only available after the get API has been invoked. data The binary data of the image. This property is only available after the get API has been invoked. url The url of the image. This property is only available after the get API has been invoked.