Import Rally tickets into Trello.
- Get a Trello API key and a write token. Pro tip: When generating the token, set the expiration parameter to 'never'.
- Manually create a Trello board w/ lists
- Create a new Rally API key
var trallyFactory = require('trally');
var trally = trallyFactory({
rallyApiKey: 'rally-api-key',
trelloApiKey: 'trello-api-key',
trelloToken: 'trello-token'
var RallyState = trally.constants.RallyState;
var importService =;
var importParams = {
rallyProjectId: 'project-id',
trelloBoardName: 'board-name',
stateMappings: [
[RallyState.BACKLOG, 'ToDo'],
[RallyState.DEFINED, 'ToDo'],
[RallyState.IN_PROGRESS, 'Active'],
[RallyState.COMPLETED, 'Testing'],
[RallyState.ACCEPTED, 'Done']
importService.importCurrentRallySprintIntoTrello(importParams).then(function() {
console.log('Tickets imported');
}).catch(function(e) {
console.log('Error while importing', e);