BeeGFS parallel file system in Azure
BeeGFS is a parallel filesystem solution for HPC cluster workloads running on premise or in cloud environments.
With Storage-, Metadata servers, Buddy Mirroring and a management service solution it provides vast ranges of configuration options, to accomodate almost any design requirement, with easily scaleout options.
This article is a How-To article with templates to deploy a High-Available BeeGFS cluster in Azure. The core components are basic Azure resources with properties easy to modify. The article also contains some test results.
The solution was implemented in the Azure West Europe region, on standard services, like Virtual Machines, Storage accounts. The high level design looks like the following:
Within a single region, I have deployed a single Resource Group with a VNET, within that VNET a Subnet. If required the storage servers can be separeted to another subnet from the clients. In a production environment I would advise to have them separated. I have deployed a single management server, an Availability Set with two metadata- and another Availability set two storage nodes, along with two clients. In an production HPC cluster solution I aso would recomment to put the clients to an Availability set, for HA purposes.
- All the nodes were Standard D2_v2 with all of its limitations on IOPS, network throughput
- The operating system was CentOS 7.3 for the storage environment.
- As a start a single metadata node with two 1 TB disks was deployed, later I have introduced a second metadata node with the same setup.
- There were two storage nodes with 4 standard 1TB disk / node.
- I have used 2 client nodes for test CentOS 6.8 and CentOS 7.3
I have installed the following packages as prerequisites on the environment.
yum -y install epel-release zlib zlib-devel bzip2 bzip2-devel bzip2-libs \
openssl openssl-devel openssl-libs gcc gcc-c++ nfs-utils rpcbind \
wget python-pip kernel kernel-devel openmpi openmpi-devel automake autoconf
The following modofied kernel parameters are tuning the node performance. These prevent a neighbor table overflow system error from happening.
echo "net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh1=1100" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
echo "net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh2=2200" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
echo "net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh3=4400" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
I have also disabled the frirewall on all nodes
systemctl stop firewalld
systemctl disable firewalld
And also disabled selinux
sed -i 's/SELINUX=.*/SELINUX=permissive/g' /etc/selinux/config
setenforce 0
This host is used for administration and monitoring the running services
wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/beegfs-rhel7.repo yum install beegfs-mgmtd -y
yum install beegfs-admon -y
yum install beegfs-client beegfs-helperd beegfs-utils -y
After installation the storage location for the MGMT service has to be configured
/opt/beegfs/sbin/beegfs-setup-mgmtd -p /data/beegfs/mgmtd
sed -i 's/^sysMgmtdHost.*/sysMgmtdHost = 'beegfsmgmt'/g' /etc/beegfs/beegfs-admon.conf
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable beegfs-mgmtd.service
systemctl enable beegfs-admon.service
systemctl start beegfs-mgmtd.service
systemctl start beegfs-admon.service
This server / these servers, servces are storing the metadata information. With moving this off from a storage node the over throughput performance can be much better.
wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/beegfs-rhel7.repo
yum install beegfs-meta -y
On the metadata server we have to initialize the disks. A striped LVM will be perfect for the purpose.
pvcreate /dev/sd[c-d]
vgcreate vg00 /dev/sd[c-d]
lvcreate --extents 100%FREE --stripes 2 --stripesize 4096 --name lv_metadata vg00
mkfs.ext4 -i 2048 -I 512 -J size=400 -Odir_index,filetype /dev/mapper/vg00-lv_metadata
tune2fs -o user_xattr /dev/mapper/vg00-lv_metadata
echo “/dev/mapper/vg00-lv_metadata /data/beegfs/meta ext4 noatime,nodiratime,nobarrier,nofail 0 2” >> /etc/fstab
mkdir /data/beegfs/meta
mount /data/beegfs/meta
We also have to configure where the metadata can be stored and where is the management service running. Imoportant to use a unique NODEID!
/opt/beegfs/sbin/beegfs-setup-meta -p /data/beegfs/meta -s NODEID -m beegfsmgmt
There are also some parameters which are recommended to be tuned. These are available at the BeeGFS Wiki site as well. To raise the allowed number of connections from a client change the following property.
sed -i 's/^connMaxInternodeNum.*/connMaxInternodeNum = 800/g' /etc/beegfs/beegfs-meta.conf
To tune the max number of threads modify the following property. This allows larger number of (100-200) clients as well to connect.
sed -i 's/^tuneNumWorkers.*/tuneNumWorkers = 128/g' /etc/beegfs/beegfs-meta.conf
Reload systemctl, enable, start the service
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable beegfs-meta.service
systemctl start beegfs-meta.service
Storage servers are responsible to store the file chunks in the cluster. It is worth to mention here, that the file chunks are stored distributed on all the storage servers by default (RAID 0 like operation). It is possible to implement a High Availabel solution with Buddy Mirroring.
wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/beegfs-rhel7.repo
yum install beegfs-storage -y
On the storage server it is also sufficient to create a raid0 stripe with or LVM.
pvcreate /dev/sd[c-f]
vgcreate vg00 /dev/sd[c-f]
lvcreate --extents 100%FREE --stripes 4 --stripesize 4096 --name lv_storage01 vg00
mkfs -t xfs /dev/mapper/vg00-lv_storage01
echo “/dev/mapper/vg00-lv_storage01 /data/beegfs/storage xfs rw,noatime,attr2,inode64,nobarrier,sunit=1024,swidth=4096,nofail 0 2” >> /etc/fstab
We have to configure where the files can be stored and where is the management service running to register the machine to the management server. It is important to cofigure unique NODEID and TARGETID values!
/opt/beegfs/sbin/beegfs-setup-storage -p /data/beegfs/storage -s NODEID -i TARGETID -m beegfsmgmt
Some of the parameters also recommended to be tuned to have better performance with large number of clients.
sed -i 's/^connMaxInternodeNum.*/connMaxInternodeNum = 800/g' /etc/beegfs/beegfs-storage.conf
sed -i 's/^tuneNumWorkers.*/tuneNumWorkers = 128/g' /etc/beegfs/beegfs-storage.conf
sed -i 's/^tuneFileReadAheadSize.*/tuneFileReadAheadSize = 32m/g' /etc/beegfs/beegfs-storage.conf
sed -i 's/^tuneFileReadAheadTriggerSize.*/tuneFileReadAheadTriggerSize = 2m/g' /etc/beegfs/beegfs-storage.conf
sed -i 's/^tuneFileReadSize.*/tuneFileReadSize = 256k/g' /etc/beegfs/beegfs-storage.conf
sed -i 's/^tuneFileWriteSize.*/tuneFileWriteSize = 256k/g' /etc/beegfs/beegfs-storage.conf
sed -i 's/^tuneWorkerBufSize.*/tuneWorkerBufSize = 16m/g' /etc/beegfs/beegfs-storage.conf
reload systemctl and enable, start the service
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable beegfs-storage.service
systemctl start beegfs-storage.service
It is possible to use NFS to mount BeeGFS shares, however in that case we completley loose the parallel file system benefits (like file coherency in less than a second). It is advised to use the BeeGFS client to mount the shares.
wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/beegfs-rhel7.repo
yum install -y beegfs-client beegfs-helperd beegfs-utils
sed -i 's/^sysMgmtdHost.*/sysMgmtdHost = 'beegfsmgmt'/g' /etc/beegfs/beegfs-client.conf
echo "/mnt/beegfs /etc/beegfs/beegfs-client.conf" > /etc/beegfs/beegfs-mounts.conf
mkdir -p /mnt/beegfs
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable beegfs-helperd.service
systemctl enable beegfs-client.service
To manage the services use sysctl commands like
systemctl start/stop/status beegfs-mgmtd
systemctl start/stop/status beegfs-meta
systemctl start/stop/status beegfs-storage
systemctl start/stop/status beegfs-helperd
systemctl start/stop/status beegfs-client
To manage BeeGFS from the management node use the following commands
[root@beegfsmgmt ~]# beegfs-ctl --listnodes --nodetype=storage
beegfs-storage02 [ID: 1]
beegfs-storage01 [ID: 2]
[root@beegfsmgmt ~]# beegfs-ctl --listnodes --nodetype=meta
beegfs-meta01 [ID: 1]
After adding a new metadata server
[root@beegfsmgmt ~]# beegfs-ctl --listtargets --nodetype=meta --state
TargetID Reachability Consistency NodeID
======== ============ =========== ======
1 Online Good 1
2 Online Good 2
[root@beegfsmgmt ~]# beegfs-ctl --listtargets --nodetype=storage --state
TargetID Reachability Consistency NodeID
======== ============ =========== ======
101 Online Good 1
201 Online Good 2
[root@beegfsmgmt ~]# beegfs-ctl --listtargets --nodetype=meta --state
TargetID Reachability Consistency NodeID
======== ============ =========== ======
1 Online Good 1
With Mirroring/Buddy groups it is possible to create a Highly Available storage solution. Without this in a case of a storage, metadata node failure, the whole storage becomes unavailable, corrupted.
Before executing the following command, clients should unmount the share
[root@beegfsmgmt ~]# beegfs-ctl –mirrormd
After executing the command, the metadata service on all metadata nodes should be restarted.
Manual definition of mirros/buddy group works with the following command, with automatic definiton I personally had some issues.
[root@beegfsmgmt ~]# beegfs-ctl --addmirrorgroup --nodetype=storage --primary=101 --secondary=201 --groupid=100
Mirror buddy group successfully set: groupID 100 -> target IDs 101, 201
After adding a new metadata server
[root@beegfsmgmt ~]# beegfs-ctl --addmirrorgroup --nodetype=meta --primary=1 --secondary=2 --groupid=200
[root@beegfsmgmt ~]# beegfs-ctl --listmirrorgroups --nodetype=storage
BuddyGroupID PrimaryTargetID SecondaryTargetID
============ =============== =================
100 101 201
[root@beegfsmgmt ~]# beegfs-ctl --listtargets --mirrorgroups
MirrorGroupID MGMemberType TargetID NodeID
============= ============ ======== ======
100 primary 101 1
100 secondary 201 2
[root@beegfsmgmt ~]# beegfs-ctl --listmirrorgroups --nodetype=meta
BuddyGroupID PrimaryNodeID SecondaryNodeID
============ ============= ===============
200 1 2
By default the storage striping is RAID 0 which does not provides any sort of redundancy on the storage layer.
[root@beegfsmgmt ~]# beegfs-ctl --getentryinfo /mnt/beegfs
Mount: /mnt/beegfs
EntryID: root
Metadata node: beegfs-meta01 [ID: 1]
Stripe pattern details:
+ Type: RAID0
+ Chunksize: 512K
+ Number of storage targets: desired: 4
If this is configured before any new files/directories are created on the mount, then it will be applied on all new files. If it is configured after, then it has to be enforced manually. So only will apply for new directories and files by default.
[root@beegfsmgmt ~]# beegfs-ctl --setpattern --numtargets=2 --chunksize=1m --buddymirror /mnt/beegfs
This command sets the stripe pattern to a buddy mirror group as the stripe target.
[root@beegfsmgmt ~]# beegfs-ctl --setpattern --numtargets=2 --chunksize=1m --buddymirror /mnt/beegfs
New chunksize: 1048576
New number of storage targets: 2
Mount: /mnt/beegfs
Checking buddy mirror settings
beegfs-ctl --getentryinfo /mnt/beegfs
Mount: /mnt/beegfs
EntryID: root
Metadata node: beegfs-meta01 [ID: 1]
Stripe pattern details:
+ Type: Buddy Mirror
+ Chunksize: 1M
+ Number of storage targets: desired: 2
By creating a new directory we can check if this gets applied or not.
[root@beegfsmgmt ~]# beegfs-ctl --getentryinfo /mnt/beegfs/smallfiles/
Path: /smallfiles
Mount: /mnt/beegfs
EntryID: 0-59070A97-1
Metadata node: beegfs-meta01 [ID: 1]
Stripe pattern details:
+ Type: Buddy Mirror
+ Chunksize: 1M
+ Number of storage targets: desired: 2
If you the mirroring is not configured properly you will see the following
[root@beegfsmgmt ~]# beegfs-ctl --resyncstats --nodetype=meta --nodeid=2
**Job state: Not started**
# of discovered dirs: 0
# of discovery errors: 0
# of synced dirs: 0
# of synced files: 0
# of dir sync errors: 0
# of file sync errors: 0
# of client sessions to sync: 0
# of synced client sessions: 0
session sync error: No
# of modification objects synced: 0
# of modification sync errors: 0
After successful metadata mirror configuration, and service restart the following should be seen.
[root@beegfsmgmt ~]# beegfs-ctl --resyncstats --nodetype=meta --nodeid=2
**Job state: Running
Job start time: Mon May 1 12:25:45 2017
# of discovered dirs: 2
# of discovery errors: 0
# of synced dirs: 0
# of synced files: 0
# of dir sync errors: 0
# of file sync errors: 0
# of client sessions to sync: 0
# of synced client sessions: 0
session sync error: No
# of modification objects synced: 0
# of modification sync errors: 0
If everything goes well after a few minutes metadata should be synced
[root@beegfsmgmt ~]# beegfs-ctl --resyncstats --nodetype=meta --nodeid=2
**Job state: Completed successfully
Job start time: Mon May 1 12:25:45 2017
Job end time: Mon May 1 12:26:27 2017
# of discovered dirs: 2
# of discovery errors: 0
# of synced dirs: 2
# of synced files: 5
# of dir sync errors: 0
# of file sync errors: 0
# of client sessions to sync: 0
# of synced client sessions: 0
session sync error: No
# of modification objects synced: 0
# of modification sync errors: 0
Restarting metadata sync
It is possible to restart sync operation if necessary
[root@beegfsmgmt ~]# beegfs-ctl --startresync --nodetype=metadata --nodeid=2 --restart
Generating 16GBs of files with 8 threads, in a single metadata node dual storage node configuration on a RAID0 storage share with mirroring.
[root@beegfs-cli01 smallfile-master]# python --operation create --threads 8 --file-size 1024 --files 2048 --top /mnt/beegfs/smallfiles
140.674193 sec elapsed time
108.605563 files/sec
108.605563 IOPS
108.605563 MB/sec
Storage utilization.
[root@beegfs-cli01 smallfile-master]# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda2 30G 1.7G 28G 6% /
devtmpfs 3.4G 0 3.4G 0% /dev
tmpfs 3.5G 0 3.5G 0% /dev/shm
tmpfs 3.5G 17M 3.4G 1% /run
tmpfs 3.5G 0 3.5G 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/sda1 497M 62M 436M 13% /boot
/dev/sdb1 99G 61M 94G 1% /mnt/resource
tmpfs 697M 0 697M 0% /run/user/1000
beegfs_nodev 8.0T 33G 8.0T 1% /mnt/beegfs
From the tests it seems that in Buddy Mirroring the storage space is halved, files are using twice as much space from the available storage. What completley makes sense as we are having a RAID1 like cluster.
Generating 16GBs of files with 8 threads, in a dual metadata node dual storage node configuration
[root@beegfs-cli01 smallfile-master]# python --operation create --threads 8 --file-size 1024 --files 2048 --top /mnt/beegfs/smallfiles
122.164110 sec elapsed time
134.114676 files/sec
134.114676 IOPS
134.114676 MB/sec
Read test:
176.852571 sec elapsed time
90.595234 files/sec
90.595234 IOPS
90.595234 MB/sec
Append test
116.225757 sec elapsed time
139.211827 files/sec
139.211827 IOPS
139.211827 MB/sec
I have tested HA failures on a Storage and Metadata node level as well.
Downloaded a CentOS image
871d931b7d71cf5ecededb03c76583de CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-1611.iso
Then stopped one of the storage nodes. (Notice that the available space went down to 4 TB from 8 TB.
[root@beegfs-cli01 beegfs]# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda2 30G 1.7G 28G 6% /
devtmpfs 3.4G 0 3.4G 0% /dev
tmpfs 3.5G 0 3.5G 0% /dev/shm
tmpfs 3.5G 17M 3.4G 1% /run
tmpfs 3.5G 0 3.5G 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/sda1 497M 62M 436M 13% /boot
/dev/sdb1 99G 61M 94G 1% /mnt/resource
tmpfs 697M 0 697M 0% /run/user/1000
beegfs_nodev 4.0T 21G 4.0T 1% /mnt/beegfs
It takes about 1-2 minutes to identify the node failure
[root@beegfsmgmt ~]# beegfs-ctl --listtargets --nodetype=storage --state
TargetID Reachability Consistency NodeID
======== ============ =========== ======
101 Probably-offline Good 1
201 Online Good 2
[root@beegfsmgmt ~]# beegfs-ctl --listtargets --nodetype=storage --state
TargetID Reachability Consistency NodeID
======== ============ =========== ======
101 Offline Good 1
201 Online Good 2
When checking the file md5sum gives back the hash on a single node configuration.
[root@beegfs-cli01 beegfs]# md5sum CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-1611.iso
871d931b7d71cf5ecededb03c76583de CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-1611.iso
Downloading a new file and deleting one
[root@beegfs-cli01 beegfs]# wget
--2017-05-01 11:06:13--
Resolving (, 2a00:1c10:3:634:0:1000:0:1
Connecting to (||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 427819008 (408M) [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: ‘CentOS-6.9-x86_64-minimal.iso’
100%[===============================================================================================>] 427,819,008 11.2MB/s in 38s
2017-05-01 11:06:51 (10.7 MB/s) - ‘CentOS-6.9-x86_64-minimal.iso’ saved [427819008/427819008]
[root@beegfs-cli01 beegfs]# rm -rf CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-1611.iso
[root@beegfs-cli01 beegfs]# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda2 30G 1.7G 28G 6% /
devtmpfs 3.4G 0 3.4G 0% /dev
tmpfs 3.5G 0 3.5G 0% /dev/shm
tmpfs 3.5G 17M 3.4G 1% /run
tmpfs 3.5G 0 3.5G 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/sda1 497M 62M 436M 13% /boot
/dev/sdb1 99G 61M 94G 1% /mnt/resource
tmpfs 697M 0 697M 0% /run/user/1000
beegfs_nodev 4.0T 441M 4.0T 1% /mnt/beegfs
[root@beegfs-cli01 beegfs]# md5sum CentOS-6.9-x86_64-minimal.iso
af4a1640c0c6f348c6c41f1ea9e192a2 CentOS-6.9-x86_64-minimal.iso
After the secondary node joins the cluster resynchronization happens
[root@beegfs-cli01 beegfs]# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda2 30G 1.7G 28G 6% /
devtmpfs 3.4G 0 3.4G 0% /dev
tmpfs 3.5G 0 3.5G 0% /dev/shm
tmpfs 3.5G 17M 3.4G 1% /run
tmpfs 3.5G 0 3.5G 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/sda1 497M 62M 436M 13% /boot
/dev/sdb1 99G 61M 94G 1% /mnt/resource
tmpfs 697M 0 697M 0% /run/user/1000
beegfs_nodev 8.0T 882M 8.0T 1% /mnt/beegfs
[root@beegfsmgmt ~]# beegfs-ctl --resyncstats --nodetype=storage --mirrorgroupid=100
Job state: Completed successfully
Job start time: Mon May 1 11:09:27 2017
Job end time: Mon May 1 11:09:40 2017
# of discovered dirs: 2
# of discovered files: 2
# of dir sync candidates: 177
# of file sync candidates: 178
# of synced dirs: 177
# of synced files: 2
# of dir sync errors: 0
# of file sync errors: 0
After configuring mirroring and down loading a new file we are testing the metadata mirroring in this step.
[root@beegfsmgmt ~]# beegfs-ctl --listtargets --nodetype=metadata --state
TargetID Reachability Consistency NodeID
======== ============ =========== ======
1 Online Good 1
2 Online Good 2
We also check the status of the mirroring group and process
[root@beegfsmgmt ~]# beegfs-ctl --listmirrorgroups --nodetype=meta
BuddyGroupID PrimaryNodeID SecondaryNodeID
============ ============= ===============
200 1 2
[root@beegfsmgmt ~]# beegfs-ctl --resyncstats --nodetype=meta --nodeid=2
Job state: Completed successfully
Job start time: Mon May 1 12:25:45 2017
Job end time: Mon May 1 12:26:27 2017
# of discovered dirs: 2
# of discovery errors: 0
# of synced dirs: 2
# of synced files: 5
# of dir sync errors: 0
# of file sync errors: 0
# of client sessions to sync: 0
# of synced client sessions: 0
session sync error: No
# of modification objects synced: 0
# of modification sync errors: 0
Then we get a file
[root@beegfs-cli01 beegfs]# wget
--2017-05-01 12:31:17--
Resolving (, 2a00:1c10:3:634:0:1000:0:1
Connecting to (||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 427819008 (408M) [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: ‘CentOS-6.9-x86_64-minimal.iso’
100%[===============================================================================================>] 427,819,008 11.2MB/s in 38s
2017-05-01 12:31:54 (10.8 MB/s) - ‘CentOS-6.9-x86_64-minimal.iso’ saved [427819008/427819008]
[root@beegfs-cli01 beegfs]# md5sum CentOS-6.9-x86_64-minimal.iso
af4a1640c0c6f348c6c41f1ea9e192a2 CentOS-6.9-x86_64-minimal.iso
After this we stop the primary metadata node.
[root@beegfsmgmt ~]# beegfs-ctl --listtargets --nodetype=metadata --state
TargetID Reachability Consistency NodeID
======== ============ =========== ======
1 Probably-offline Good 1
2 Online Good 2
After the node goes down from the storage (takes about 1-2 minutes)
[root@beegfsmgmt ~]# beegfs-ctl --listtargets --nodetype=metadata --state
TargetID Reachability Consistency NodeID
======== ============ =========== ======
1 Offline Needs-resync 1
2 Online Good 2
The sync process will also be stopped
[root@beegfsmgmt ~]# beegfs-ctl --resyncstats --nodetype=meta --nodeid=1
Job state: Not started
# of discovered dirs: 0
# of discovery errors: 0
# of synced dirs: 0
# of synced files: 0
# of dir sync errors: 0
# of file sync errors: 0
# of client sessions to sync: 0
# of synced client sessions: 0
session sync error: No
# of modification objects synced: 0
# of modification sync errors: 0
[root@beegfsmgmt ~]# beegfs-ctl --resyncstats --nodetype=meta --nodeid=2
Job state: Not started
# of discovered dirs: 0
# of discovery errors: 0
# of synced dirs: 0
# of synced files: 0
# of dir sync errors: 0
# of file sync errors: 0
# of client sessions to sync: 0
# of synced client sessions: 0
session sync error: No
# of modification objects synced: 0
# of modification sync errors: 0
Only files and directories which were created after the sync has been introduced will be available, others not!
[root@beegfs-cli01 beegfs]# ll
ls: cannot access smallfiles: Communication error on send
total 417792
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 427819008 Mar 28 18:31 CentOS-6.9-x86_64-minimal.iso
d?????????? ? ? ? ? ? smallfiles
[root@beegfs-cli01 beegfs]# cd smallfiles
-bash: cd: smallfiles: Communication error on send
[root@beegfs-cli01 beegfs]# md5sum CentOS-6.9-x86_64-minimal.iso
af4a1640c0c6f348c6c41f1ea9e192a2 CentOS-6.9-x86_64-minimal.iso
After downloading a new file, what goes without error
[root@beegfs-cli01 beegfs]# wget
--2017-05-01 12:44:21--
Resolving (, 2a04:92c1:1:2::6
Connecting to (||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 468713472 (447M) [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: ‘CentOS-6.8-x86_64-minimal.iso’
100%[===============================================================================================>] 468,713,472 17.6MB/s in 16s
2017-05-01 12:44:37 (27.4 MB/s) - ‘CentOS-6.8-x86_64-minimal.iso’ saved [468713472/468713472]
We also restart the primary node After the primary node comes up we will see the resync happening in no time
[root@beegfsmgmt ~]# beegfs-ctl --resyncstats --nodetype=meta --nodeid=1
Job state: Completed successfully
Job start time: Mon May 1 12:58:19 2017
Job end time: Mon May 1 12:59:04 2017
# of discovered dirs: 2
# of discovery errors: 0
# of synced dirs: 2
# of synced files: 9
# of dir sync errors: 0
# of file sync errors: 0
# of client sessions to sync: 1
# of synced client sessions: 1
session sync error: No
# of modification objects synced: 0
# of modification sync errors: 0
The metadata status will be also good
[root@beegfsmgmt ~]# beegfs-ctl --listtargets --nodetype=metadata --state
TargetID Reachability Consistency NodeID
======== ============ =========== ======
1 Online Good 1
2 Online Good 2
Chedcking if we bring down the secondary node we still can access the new file
[root@beegfsmgmt ~]# beegfs-ctl --listtargets --nodetype=metadata --state
TargetID Reachability Consistency NodeID
======== ============ =========== ======
1 Online Good 1
2 Probably-offline Good 2
[root@beegfsmgmt ~]# beegfs-ctl --listtargets --nodetype=metadata --state
TargetID Reachability Consistency NodeID
======== ============ =========== ======
1 Online Good 1
2 Offline Good 2
[root@beegfs-cli01 beegfs]# ll
total 875520
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 468713472 May 23 2016 CentOS-6.8-x86_64-minimal.iso
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 427819008 Mar 28 18:31 CentOS-6.9-x86_64-minimal.iso
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 0 May 1 11:43 smallfiles
[root@beegfs-cli01 beegfs]# md5sum CentOS-6.8-x86_64-minimal.iso
0ca12fe5f28c2ceed4f4084b41ff8a0b CentOS-6.8-x86_64-minimal.iso
[root@beegfs-cli01 beegfs]# md5sum CentOS-6.9-x86_64-minimal.iso
af4a1640c0c6f348c6c41f1ea9e192a2 CentOS-6.9-x86_64-minimal.iso
After bringing up the secondary node you will see that it is doing resync operation
[root@beegfsmgmt ~]# beegfs-ctl --listtargets --nodetype=metadata --state
TargetID Reachability Consistency NodeID
======== ============ =========== ======
1 Online Good 1
2 Online resyncing 2
[root@beegfsmgmt ~]# beegfs-ctl --listtargets --nodetype=metadata --state
TargetID Reachability Consistency NodeID
======== ============ =========== ======
1 Online Good 1
2 Online Good 2