This is my play project (called: iTunes Media Search) where i am planning to experiment and present my ideas on how we should do Angular development following some of the best practices i have learned in last 1yr. It will start easy and build\progress towards awesomeness. This iTunes Search implementation is inspired from @devgirl (Holly Schinsky) at github.
- Can be used as quick "template \ seed" project for any new Angular Project.
- It uses iTunes Search API as REST endpoint.
- It uses Twitter Bootstrap 3.1.1 as UI Responsive Theme.
- It uses latest Angular 1.2.14 as of today (March-3rd, 2014)
- Demonstrates how to use filter and orderBy features of Angular
- Angular latest (As of today March-14th, 2014 it is 1.2.14)
- Bootstrap 3.1.1
- Grunt
- jshint
- watch
- connect
- karma
- Bower
git clone [email protected]:skusunam/angular-itunes-search.git
cd angular-itunes-search
npm install
# Serve static files using your own web server or run
# Go to this URL in your favorite browser
- Original sample project organized based on "Type" (controller, services etc) w/ Unit Tests
- Project sample using RequireJS w/ Unit tests
- Project sample using Yeoman workflow
- Project sample using Lineman workflow
- Replace 'ngRout' with 'ui-router' ( and compare differences
- What are the adavantages in using 'restangular' ( instead of default '$resource'?
- Implement Authentication i.e. 'Login' using Facebook \ Twitter \ Linked-in \ Google+ (all or few of them).
- How do you protect an angular Route?
- Write an interceptor (Request and Response) and show how to use them?
- Display spinner when there is an http request in progress
- Replace table display with 'ngGrid' (
- Replace table display with 'ngTable' (
- Implement i18n using 'angular-translate' (
- Show an example of using 'bindonce' (
- Why should \ shouldn't use '$resource' with respect to '$http'?