CookieMonster will eat your applications. And infrastructure. And possibly your cat if it gets too close.
- Go lang
- Docker
- Kubernetes
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
git clone $GOPATH/src/cookiemonster
cd $GOPATH/src/cookiemonster
make vendor
make build-linux
make docker
./bin/cookiemonster-darwin-amd64 &
./bin/cookiemonster-linux-amd64 &
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 cookiemonster:latest
helm install ./helm/cookiemonster-chart --name cookiemonster
Choose a host from the cluster and note the port that gets mapped
kubectl get svc cookiemonster
kubectl create ns test
kubectl create clusterrolebinding test --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=test:default | true
kubectl create clusterrolebinding test --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=default:default | true
helm install skt/etcd --name etcdtest --namespace test --version 0.1.0
helm install skt/rabbitmq --name rabbitmqtest --namespace test --set replicas=7 --version 0.1.0
helm install skt/mariadb --name mariadbtest --namespace test --set replicas=7 --version 0.1.0
curl -X POST http://$URL/api/v1/config
curl -X POST http://$URL/api/v1/pod/start
curl -X POST http://$URL/api/v1/pod/stop