The administration for the Duende IdentityServer and Asp.Net Core Identity
The application is written in the Asp.Net Core MVC - using .NET 8.0
- Install the latest .NET 8 SDK (using older versions may lead to 502.5 errors when hosted on IIS or application exiting immediately after starting when self-hosted)
Install the dotnet new template:
🔒 NOTE: The project uses the default database migrations which affect your database, therefore double check the migrations according to your database provider and create a database backup
dotnet new install Skoruba.Duende.IdentityServer.Admin.Templates::2.5.0
dotnet new skoruba.duende.isadmin --name MyProject --title MyProject --adminemail "[email protected]" --adminpassword "Pa$$word123" --adminrole MyRole --adminclientid MyClientId --adminclientsecret MyClientSecret --dockersupport true
Project template options:
--name: [string value] for project name
--adminpassword: [string value] admin password
--adminemail: [string value] admin email
--title: [string value] for title and footer of the administration in UI
--adminrole: [string value] for name of admin role, that is used to authorize the administration
--adminclientid: [string value] for client name, that is used in the Duende IdentityServer configuration for admin client
--adminclientsecret: [string value] for client secret, that is used in the Duende IdentityServer configuration for admin client
--dockersupport: [boolean value] include docker support
- Follow these steps for setup project to use existing Duende IdentityServer and Asp.Net Core Identity
- Set Startup projects:
- Skoruba.Duende.IdentityServer.Admin
- Skoruba.Duende.IdentityServer.Admin.Api
- Skoruba.Duende.IdentityServer.STS.Identity
- Configuration of Admin for deploy on Azure
- Configuration of Admin on Ubuntu with PostgreSQL database
- This administration uses bootstrap 4
git clone
- It is possible to run Admin UI through the docker.
We need some resolving capabilities in order for the project to work. The domain skoruba.local
is used here to represent the domain this setup is hosted on. The domain-name needs to be FQDN (fully qualified domain name).
Thus first, we need the domain skoruba.local
to resolve to the docker-host machine. If you want this to work on your local machine only, use the first option.
Edit your hosts file:
- On Linux:
- On Windows:
and add the following entries: skoruba.local sts.skoruba.local admin.skoruba.local admin-api.skoruba.local
This way your host machine resolves skoruba.local
and its subdomains to itself.
We also need certificates in order to serve on HTTPS. We'll make our own self-signed certificates with mkcert.
If the domain is publicly available through DNS, you can use Let's Encypt. Nginx-proxy has support for that, which is left out in this setup.
Use mkcert to generate local self-signed certificates.
On windows mkcert -install
must be executed under elevated Administrator privileges. Then copy over the CA Root certificate over to the project as we want to mount this in later into the containers without using an environment variable. Use PowerShell to run the commands.
cd shared/nginx/certs
mkcert --install
copy $env:LOCALAPPDATA\mkcert\rootCA-key.pem ./cacerts.pem
copy $env:LOCALAPPDATA\mkcert\rootCA.pem ./cacerts.crt
Generate a certificate for skoruba.local
with wildcards for the subdomains. The name of the certificate files need to match with actual domain-names in order for the nginx-proxy to pick them up correctly. We want both the crt-key and the pfx version.
cd shared/nginx/certs
mkcert -cert-file skoruba.local.crt -key-file skoruba.local.key skoruba.local *.skoruba.local
mkcert -pkcs12 skoruba.local.pfx skoruba.local *.skoruba.local
This docker setup is come from this repository - thanks to bravecobra. 😊
- Project contains the
to enable debugging with a seeded environment. - The following possibility to get a running seeded and debug-able (in VS) environment:
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
It is also possible to set as startup project the project called
in Visual Studio.
- Docker images will be available also in docker hub
- Check the script in
- change the profile name according to your requirements.
cd src/Skoruba.Duende.IdentityServer.Admin
npm install
cd src/Skoruba.Duende.IdentityServer.STS.Identity
npm install
The following Gulp commands are available:
gulp fonts
- copy fonts to thedist
foldergulp styles
- minify CSS, compile SASS to CSSgulp scripts
- bundle and minify JSgulp clean
- remove thedist
foldergulp build
- run thestyles
tasksgulp watch
- watch all changes in all sass files
The solution uses these
: for Asp.Net Core IdentityAdminLogDbContext
: for loggingIdentityServerConfigurationDbContext
: for IdentityServer configuration storeIdentityServerPersistedGrantDbContext
: for IdentityServer operational storeAuditLoggingDbContext
: for Audit LoggingIdentityServerDataProtectionDbContext
: for dataprotection
NOTE: Initial migrations are a part of the repository.
It is possible to use powershell script in folder
. -
This script take two arguments:
- --migration (migration name)
- --migrationProviderName (provider type - available choices: All, SqlServer, MySql, PostgreSQL)
For example:
.\add-migrations.ps1 -migration DbInit -migrationProviderName SqlServer
- SqlServer
- MySql
- PostgreSQL
It is possible to switch the database provider via
"DatabaseProviderConfiguration": {
"ProviderType": "SqlServer"
Server=localhost;Port=5432;Database=DuendeIdentityServerAdmin;User Id=sa;Password=#;
- In
, uncommentDbMigrationHelpers.EnsureSeedData(host)
or use dotnet CLIdotnet run /seed
or viaSeedConfiguration
- The
files inidentityserverdata.json
(section called: IdentityServerData) - are the initial data, based on a sample from Duende IdentityServer - The
file inidentitydata.json
(section called: IdentityData) contains the default admin username and password for the first login
- Change the specific URLs and names for the IdentityServer and Authentication settings in
- In the controllers is used the policy which name is stored in -
. In the policy -AuthorizationConsts.AdministrationPolicy
is defined required role stored in -appsettings.json
. - With the default configuration, it is necessary to configure and run instance of Duende IdentityServer. It is possible to use initial migration for creating the client as it mentioned above
- It is possible to use Azure Key Vault and configure it in the
with following configuration:
"AzureKeyVaultConfiguration": {
"AzureKeyVaultEndpoint": "",
"ClientId": "",
"ClientSecret": "",
"UseClientCredentials": true
If your application is running in Azure App Service
, you can specify AzureKeyVaultEndpoint
. For applications which are running outside of Azure environment it is possible to use the client credentials flow - so it is necesarry to go to Azure portal, register new application and connect this application to Azure Key Vault and setup the client secret.
- It is possible to use Azure Key Vault for following parts of application:
- It is necesarry to configure the connection to Azure Key Vault and allow following settings:
"AzureKeyVaultConfiguration": {
"ReadConfigurationFromKeyVault": true
Enable Azure Key Vault for dataprotection with following configuration:
"DataProtectionConfiguration": {
"ProtectKeysWithAzureKeyVault": false
The you need specify the key identifier in configuration:
"AzureKeyVaultConfiguration": {
"DataProtectionKeyIdentifier": ""
- It is possible to go to Azure Key Vault - generate new certificate and use this certificate name below:
"AzureKeyVaultConfiguration": {
"IdentityServerCertificateName": ""
We are using
with pre-definded following Sinks - white are available inserilog.json
:- Console
- File
- MSSqlServer
- Seq
"Serilog": {
"MinimumLevel": {
"Default": "Error",
"Override": {
"Skoruba": "Information"
"WriteTo": [
"Name": "Console"
"Name": "File",
"Args": {
"path": "log.txt",
"rollingInterval": "Day"
"Name": "MSSqlServer",
"Args": {
"connectionString": "...",
"tableName": "Log",
"columnOptionsSection": {
"addStandardColumns": ["LogEvent"],
"removeStandardColumns": ["Properties"]
- This solution uses audit logging via - (check this link for more detal about this implementation 😊)
- In the Admin UI project is following setup:
services.AddAuditLogging(options => { options.Source = auditLoggingConfiguration.Source; })
.AddDefaultHttpEventData(subjectOptions =>
subjectOptions.SubjectIdentifierClaim = auditLoggingConfiguration.SubjectIdentifierClaim;
subjectOptions.SubjectNameClaim = auditLoggingConfiguration.SubjectNameClaim;
actionOptions =>
actionOptions.IncludeFormVariables = auditLoggingConfiguration.IncludeFormVariables;
// repository for library
services.AddTransient<IAuditLoggingRepository<TAuditLog>, AuditLoggingRepository<TAuditLoggingDbContext, TAuditLog>>();
// repository and service for admin
services.AddTransient<IAuditLogRepository<TAuditLog>, AuditLogRepository<TAuditLoggingDbContext, TAuditLog>>();
services.AddTransient<IAuditLogService, AuditLogService<TAuditLog>>();
Admin and STS can be customized without editing code in appsettings.json
under AdminConfiguration section
UI can be customized using themes integrated from bootswatch.
It's possible to change theme from UI. 🎈
By default, configuration value is null to use default theme. If you want to use a theme, just fill the lowercase theme name as configuration value of Theme
You can also use your custom theme by integrating it in your project or hosting css on your place to pass the url in CustomThemeCss
key. (Note that custom theme override standard theme)
- Important Note: Theme can use external ressources which caused errors due to CSP. If you get errors, please make sure that you configured correctly CSP section in your
with thrusted domains for ressources.
"AdminConfiguration": {
"PageTitle": "Skoruba Duende IdentityServer",
"HomePageLogoUri": "~/images/skoruba-icon.png",
"FaviconUri": "~/favicon.ico",
"Theme": "united",
"CustomThemeCss": null,
In appsettings.json
is following configuration:
"AuditLoggingConfiguration": {
"Source": "IdentityServer.Admin.Web",
"SubjectIdentifierClaim": "sub",
"SubjectNameClaim": "name",
"IncludeFormVariables": false
The Skoruba.Duende.IdentityServer.Admin.BusinessLogic
layer contains folder called Events
for audit logging. In each method in Services is called function LogEventAsync
like this:
await AuditEventLogger.LogEventAsync(new ClientDeletedEvent(client));
Final audit log is available in the table dbo.AuditLog
- In
- inappsettings.json
is possible to specify which column will be used for login (Username
"LoginConfiguration": {
"ResolutionPolicy": "Username"
or using Email
"LoginConfiguration": {
"ResolutionPolicy": "Email"
- In
- inappsettings.json
is possible to disable user registration (default: true
"RegisterConfiguration": {
"Enabled": false
- For development is running on url -
and swagger UI is available on url -https://localhost:44302/swagger
- For swagger UI is configured a client and an API in STS:
"AdminApiConfiguration": {
"IdentityServerBaseUrl": "https://localhost:44310",
"OidcSwaggerUIClientId": "skoruba_identity_admin_api_swaggerui",
"OidcApiName": "skoruba_identity_admin_api"
- Swagger UI contains following endpoints:
- In
- is method calledAddExternalProviders
which contains the example withGitHub
configured inappsettings.json
"ExternalProvidersConfiguration": {
"UseGitHubProvider": false,
"GitHubClientId": "",
"GitHubClientSecret": "",
"UseAzureAdProvider": false,
"AzureAdClientId": "",
"AzureAdTenantId": "",
"AzureInstance": "",
"AzureAdSecret": "",
"AzureAdCallbackPath": "",
"AzureDomain": ""
- It is possible to extend
with another configuration properties. - If you use DockerHub built image, you can use appsettings to configure these providers without changing the code
- GitHub
- AzureAD
- Great article how to set up Azure AD:
- It is possible to set up emails via:
In STS project - in appsettings.json
"SendgridConfiguration": {
"ApiKey": "",
"SourceEmail": "",
"SourceName": ""
"SmtpConfiguration": {
"From": "",
"Host": "",
"Login": "",
"Password": ""
- If you want to use favicon or logo not included/hosted on the same place, you need to declare trusted domain where ressources are hosted in appsettings.json.
"CspTrustedDomains": [
- AdminUI, AdminUI Api and STS contain endpoint
, which check databases and IdentityServer.
- The project has following translations:
- English
- Chinese
- Russian
- Persian
- Swedish
- Danish
- Spanish
- French
- Finish
- German
- Portuguese
All labels and messages are stored in the resources
- locatated in/Resources
- Client label descriptions from -
- Api Resource label descriptions from -
- Identity Resource label descriptions from -
- The solution contains unit and integration tests.
Integration tests use StartupTest class which is pre-configured with:
contains setup for InMemory databaseAuthentication
is setup forCookieAuthentication
- with fake login url for testing purpose onlyAuthenticatedTestRequestMiddleware
- middleware for testing of authentication.
- project that contains the instance of Duende.IdentityServer and combine these samples - Quickstart UI for the Duende.IdentityServer with Asp.Net Core Identitye and Quickstart UI for the Duende.IdentityServer with EF Core storage and damienbod - IdentityServer4 and Identity template
Admin UI Api:
- project with Api for managing data of Duende.IdentityServer and Asp.Net Core Identity, with swagger support as well
Admin UI:
- ASP.NET Core MVC application that contains Admin UI -
- ASP.NET Core MVC application that uses Admin UI package and it's only for application bootstrap -
- project that contains Dtos, Repositories, Services and Mappers for the Duende.IdentityServer -
- project that contains Dtos, Repositories, Services and Mappers for the Asp.Net Core Identity -
- project that contains shared Dtos and ExceptionHandling for the Business Logic layer of the Duende.IdentityServer and Asp.Net Core Identity -
- Shared common Identity DTOS for Admin UI, Admin UI Api and STS -
- Shared common layer for Admin UI, Admin UI Api and STS -
- EF Core data layer that contains Entities for the Duende.IdentityServer -
- EF Core data layer that contains configurations -
- EF Core data layer that contains Repositories for the Asp.Net Core Identity -
- project that contains extensions related to EntityFramework -
- project that contains DbContexts for the Duende.IdentityServer, Logging and Asp.Net Core Identity, inluding shared Identity entities -
- project that contains migrations for SqlServer -
- project that contains migrations for MySql -
- project that contains migrations for PostgreSQL
- xUnit project that contains the integration tests for AdminUI -
- xUnit project that contains the integration tests for AdminUI Api -
- xUnit project that contains the unit tests for AdminUI -
- xUnit project that contains the integration tests for STS
It is possible to define the configuration according the client type - by default the client types are used:
Web Application - Server side - Authorization Code Flow with PKCE
Single Page Application - Javascript - Authorization Code Flow with PKCE
Native Application - Mobile/Desktop - Hybrid flow
Machine/Robot - Client Credentials flow
TV and Limited-Input Device Application - Device flow
Actions: Add, Update, Clone, Remove
- Client Cors Origins
- Client Grant Types
- Client IdP Restrictions
- Client Post Logout Redirect Uris
- Client Properties
- Client Redirect Uris
- Client Scopes
- Client Secrets
API Resources
- Actions: Add, Update, Remove
- Entities:
- Api Claims
- Api Scopes
- Api Scope Claims
- Api Secrets
- Api Properties
Identity Resources
- Actions: Add, Update, Remove
- Entities:
- Identity Claims
- Identity Properties
- Actions: Add, Update, Delete
- Entities:
- User Roles
- User Logins
- User Claims
- Actions: Add, Update, Delete
- Entities:
- Role Claims
- Create the Business Logic & EF layers - available as a nuget package
- Create a project template using dotnet CLI -
dotnet new template
- First template: The administration of the Duende.IdentityServer and Asp.Net Core Identity
- Add logging into
- Database
- File
- Seq
- Add localization for other languages
- English
- Chinese
- Russian
- Persian
- Swedish
- Danish
- Spanish
- French
- Finish
- Manage profile
- Password reset
- Link account to an external provider (example with Github)
- Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
- User registration
- Email service
- SendGrid
- Add API
- Duende.IdentityServer
- Asp.Net Core Identity
- Add swagger support
- Add audit logs to track changes (#61)
- Docker support (#121)
- Health Checks (Databases and IdentityServer)
- Support for multiple database providers (SqlServer, Mysql, PostgreSQL)
- Simplify Admin Identity middleware (#430)
- Add support for loading signing key from Azure Key Vault (#533)
- Protect keys for dataprotection from Azure Key Vault (#715)
- Update to Duende.IdentityServer version 4 (#633)
- Add support for themes (#725)
- Extract UI part into nuget package (#770, #409, #55, #322, #28, #133)
- Update to .NET 6
- Update to Duende IdentityServer v6
- Update to Duende IdentityServer 6.2.1
- Add support for Dynamic Identity Providers
Role users pagination (#169)
Add secure secret generation with 'secret_' prefix (#153)
Increase client name prominence (#154)
Added support for generation typescript client definition for API endpoints (#215)
Add new endpoints to API for client, api resource, api scopes validations and lists (#213)
Use named arguments in .AddIdentityServer() healthchecks (#201)
Change the AdminIdentityDbContext tablenames to be derived from appsettings (#196)
Raise UserLoginSuccessEvent when logging in with 2fa or recovery code (#202)
- Create a New Project
to be Shipped as a NuGet Package - Fix DockerFile for All Projects for Multiplatform Builds
(linux/amd64, linux/arm64)
(#194) - Add a New API Endpoint for Dashboard View
- Fix Import of dayjs for NSwag TypeScript Definition
- Fix Dashboard endpoint for getting Identity data
- Update solution to the latest version of all nuget packages, including
- Method CanInsert..Property of the controllers always return true (#235)
- Skoruba.Duende.IdentityServer.Shared.Configuration - replace deprecated Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.AzureKeyVault package with Azure.Extensions.AspNetCore.Configuration.Secrets (#234)
- Can't update client because "Client Id clientId already exists" (#227)
- Migrate from Microsoft.Azure.KeyVault to the new Azure Key Vault API (#224)
- Docker Compose NGINX targeting wrong port (#222)
- Update all nuget packages to the latest versions, including Duende IdentityServer version 7.0.7. (fixed CVE-2024-39694) - (#236)
- Delete user from admin panel of admin app returns an error (#214)
- Add management for claims (#22)
- Multitenancy support
This repository is licensed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0.
Duende.IdentityServer is available under both a FOSS (RPL) and a commercial license.
For the production environment is necessary to get the specific license. For more information about licensing of Duende.IdentityServer - please check this link.
This repository uses the source code from which is under the terms of the following license.
This web application is based on these projects:
- ASP.NET Core
- Duende.IdentityServer.EntityFramework
- ASP.NET Core Identity
- XUnit
- Fluent Assertions
- Bogus
- AutoMapper
- Serilog
Thanks to Tomáš Hübelbauer for the initial code review.
Thanks to Dominick Baier and Brock Allen - the creators of Duende.IdentityServer.
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
Jan Škoruba 💻 💬 📖 💡 🤔 |
Tomáš Hübelbauer 💻 👀 📖 🤔 |
Michał Drzał 💻 👀 📖 💡 🤔 |
cerginio 💻 🐛 💡 🤔 |
Sven Dummis 📖 |
Seaear 💻 🌍 |
Rune Antonsen 🐛 |
Sindre Njøsen 💻 |
Alevtina Brown 🌍 |
Brice 💻 |
TheEvilPenguin 💻 |
Saeed Rahmani 🌍 |
Andy Yu 🌍 |
ChrisSzabo 💻 |
aiscrim 💻 💡 🤔 |
HrDahl 🌍 |
Andrew Godfroy 📖 |
bravecobra 💻 |
Sabit Igde 💻 |
Rico Herlt 💻 |
b0 💻 |
DrQwertySilence 🌍 |
Carl Quirion 💻 |
Aegide 🌍 |
LobsterBandit 💻 |
Mehmet Perk 💻 |
tapmui 🌍 |
Saeed Rahimi 💻 |
Joshua Williams 💻 |
Shengjie Yan 💻 |
Anatoliy 💻 |
Nicholas Peterson 💻 |
Alec Papierniak 💻 |
Carl Reid 💻 |
ViRuSTriNiTy 💻 |
J. Arturo 💻 |
Weihan Li 💻 |
Saša Tančev 💻 |
cuibty 💻 |
Simo Paasisalo 💻 |
klyse 💻 |
Martinus Suherman 💻 |
Pavel Usachev 💻 |
LabTrans - STIGeo 🌍 |
Valentin LECERF 💻 |
Thomas Aunvik 🐛 |
Sebastian Gebhardt 🐛 |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind are welcome!
I am happy to share my attempt of the implementation of the administration for Duende.IdentityServer and ASP.NET Core Identity.
Any feedback is welcome - feel free to create an issue or send me an email - [email protected]. Thank you 😊
If you like my work, you can support me by donation. 👍