v1.0.30-rc6 - Fixes for remote lock/unlock
The underlying library has undergone major code changes and there might be some breaking changes. Be sure to read the readme and backup all data.
The code for pre-heater is changed but haven't been tested.
- Valid services check is added
- Token handling is added, verification at login, validate before requests and revoke on shutdown/logout
- Some enitites have changed names, some have changed type
- device tracker should be fixed, position is now "not_home" when car is moving. This might break the automation example in README.
- Requests handling is improved and status per section is added. Requests now trigger immediate refresh in hass gui
- Added config option for enabling/disabling comprehensive debug of raw response data
- Code cleanup
- Bumped version and requirement to reflect library
- Request correct library version
- Service auto discovery has been reworked. Should correctly identify enabled API endpoints for all cars.
- Fixes in code for pre-heater.
- Fix for remote lock/unlock
- Inverted data for service days and distance
- Disabled unused service (departure timers)
- Removed unused code
- Added token revocation on logout