This is the highest form of programmable flattery. A cloning exercise that doesn't involve sheep, but does mimic the functionality of services such as Airbnb.
- Create a user account
- Search and reserve available pads
- Chat with host about each reservation
- Upload your own pad to rent out for travelers
- email: [email protected]
- password: password
- Used Travis CI for continuous integration
- 2-factor authentication via Twilio
- Geocoder used to integrate couch locations for display on Google Maps (COMING SOON!)
- Upload photos of your pad with Carrierwave
- Use of AJAX to update available pad Search
- CSS: flexboxes on flexboxes
We believe in starting off on the right ♫.
git clone
cd air_bnb_clone
bundle install
rake db:{create,setup}
clear & rspec
rails server