Remove marked sections from pages. For example to remove private information from a public version of a web site.
You can install it with pip
pip install mkdocs-remove-sections-plugin
Add the plugin to your mkdocs.yml
- search
- remove_sections
To remove a section and its subsections, you can begin its title with Private:
like ## Private: My section
If you need a more precise removal, you can also manually set start and end points for the removal.
Any content on pages between <!-- remove:start -->
and <!-- remove:end -->
is replaced by the plugin with the text Some content has been redacted in this version
If there are uncertanities (start and end tags do not propperly match up), then this plugin will default to cutting too much rather than too little.
In addition a warning is shown during the build.
You can configure the plugin with the following options. The information shown below shows the default values:
- search
- remove_sections:
section_start_pattern: "<!--\\s*remove:start\\s*-->"
section_end_pattern: "<!--\\s*remove:end\\s*-->"
section_heading_pattern: "^Private: "
section_replace_with: "\n\n> Some content has been redacted in this version.\n\n"
regex_case_sensitive: false
Regular expression pattern that marks the start of a section that should be removed.
Regular expression pattern that marks the end of a section that should be removed.
Regular expression for a section heading (h1
through h6
) that marks a section to be removed.
Any subsections are removed as well.
You can use it like this:
## Private: Section to remove
The removed content will be replaced with this text. You can set an empty string to remove it entirely. By default a placeholder is shown, so that you see that something was removed.
This controls, whether the patterns you defined with the other options should be case sensitive or insensitive. It defaults to case insensitive.
- Added removing sections by title
- Initial version