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Release procedure

John Kerl edited this page Mar 5, 2025 · 4 revisions


  • Chat with other team members to see if they have anything else to go into the release

Check for disk space at PyPI

  • You should be an admin, or, ask someone who is an admin to check for you
  • and look for "Project size"
  • Make sure that isn't near 10GB (unlikely for this repo)
  • If it is almost 10GB:
    • Your GitHub tag will succeed but the PyPI publish will fail
    • You can delete a few ancient releases as long as you're certain no one in the world depends on them
    • You can poke a button in PyPI to request a quota upsize but that can take a few days

Make the GitHub release tag per se

  • Go to and poke 'Draft a new release'
  • Choose a tag like python-v1.0.n where n is one more than the latest release
    • Note the python-v prefix, which we don't use for the TileDB-SOMA repo but which we do use for this
    • Make sure you've selected target = main
    • Title "Python v1.0.n" where n is as above
    • Poke the "Generate Release Notes" button
    • Edit the release notes if you like -- maybe a sentence at the top summarizing the context/reason -- maybe a GitHub tracking issue, for example
  • Select 'Set as the latest release'
  • Select 'Publish release'

Publication to PyPI

Conda feedstock

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