Simple OTP Generator widget for Garmin watches
User should be able to
- Download the app from Garmin Express
- Input their secret code & current counter through Garmin Connect/App itself
- Use Garmin watch thereafter to generate OTPs
- Choose one of multiple accounts (able to generate OTPs for multiple several occasions)
- Developers should find it easy to port the same functionalities by changing a few resources
Use case: Generate OTP
- Scroll through widget until otpGen widget shows up
- Enter the widget
- Scroll through list of accounts for which to generate OTP
- Select account
- New and unique OTP shows up
- Exit widget
Use case: Add account on widget
- Scroll through widget until otpGen widget shows up
- Enter the widget
- Scroll to top/bottom of list of accounts to find the "Add Account" option
- Type in secret key and counter (This must be painful. Should be able to do the same on a computer/ConnectIQ program)
- Learn Monkey C syntax
- Create HMAC library / Find Crypto Monkey Barrel
- Make data stucture/DB to save secret keys and counter that can safely store keys (only able to write, never read)
- See if there is a HSM (hardware security module) on a Garmin watch
- Make identifiable logo for widget face