This package is part of the SNAP suite.
// TODO: Checkout WWDC24 changes to SwiftData regarding history tracking.
This package improves interoperability between SwiftData and CoreData. It provides SwiftData with access to CoreData objects and Persistent History Tracking.
SwiftData is build on CoreData, but does not completely cover its functionality. SnapSwiftData tries to fill some gaps, so you do not need to create a duplicated CoreData stack.
The package is heavily inspired by
- Extensions -- ModelContext.existingModel(for:) -- NSManagedObjectID+PersistentIdentifier (by
- Persistent History Tracking (
- DataManager: A wrapper around ModelContainer with Persistent History Tracking.
The implementation relies on current CoreData / SwiftData implementation details. This means it might break with future versions of SwiftData. Please use carefully.
Nothing in this package should not be necessary at all and be supported by SwiftData (FB13577205).
Add to launch arguments to silence CloudKit logs (see 0