- Connect to the agrinet remote server with your credentials
- Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/simonlousky/model-leaf.git leafsegmentor
- Enter the directory with
cd leafsegmentor
- Run setup
bash setup.sh
and follow the miniconda install instructions with default values if needed.- This may take a while, go make yourself a coffee
The install will create a directory leafsegmentor. All relative paths should be from this directory.
- In case it didn't finish or you lost connection - do step 4 again The setup should add an alias leafsegmentor for "python LeafSegmentor.py" so after setup you only need to enter the leafsegmentor directory to start working!
- If your session doesn't start with bash as the default shell (run
echo $0
to check that) then you will need to run. ~/.bash_profile
at the beginning of each session
- Go to the leafsegmentor directory
- Run
leafsegmentor --help
You should see the command help doc. For further info continue reading here or refer to the--help
of every sub command
Every subcommand has a purpose on its own but the tools are originally made to provide an entire package to train and export leaves.
Downloading training tasks in the remote server is fairly simple.
They are located at /mnt/gluster/catalog/experiment_<NO>/task_<NO>/plot_<NO>
Preferably download to a simple relative path from leafsegmentor
Cut the leaves of the required dataset using the correct adapter, to a new directory you will use as your bank of leaves. The output should be a directory containing only single leaf pictures.
leafsegmentor cut -a CocoAdapter -o ../cut_leaves ../cut_jobs/cucumber/annotations.json
This example will cut single leaves from the cucumber dataset located in .../cut_jobs/cucumber
-a CocoAdapter
- The dataset is saved in the COCO format. This adapter looks for categoy 'leaf' in the .json file and parses all the corresponding objects.
-o ../cut_leaves
- The output directory to store the resulting files.
As mentioned in the cut manual (further down) - You can change the way the dataset provided to the command is parsed and so adapt to changes between different task id's or even use an external dataset you've aquired.
In order to do that you need to implement a class that implementes the BaseAnnotationAdapter
The class should respect the following rules:
- A constructor with parameters:
- A path a .json file or a directory you want to parse.task_id
- In case you want to provide the--task
option to the cut command, and use it for parsing the dataset.n=None
- Should limit the number of parsed objects.
- It should be Iterable
- The method
should be implemented, and return an object. - The object needs to be a tuple
(leaf_annotation, image_path, i)
- A list of the form[x,y,x,y...]
. Pay attention that this should not support multiple polygons per object since you only want to cut complete leaves.image_path
- The absolute or relative path to the image file the coordinates correspond to.i
- An index used used to name the output leaves.
- The method
If you also want the command to align your output leaves, for example you want the leave's tip at the bottom, and you have the required info in the dataset. You can implement the RotatableAdapter
- Implement exactly the same as
. - Implement the
method. This method should receive has input an index, and will return a tuple([x,y],[x,y])
with two points that the object can be align with.
For training with the provided LeafDataset
you need to have two directories:
- A leaf directory with single leaves with transparent backgrounds.
- A background directory that contains backgrounds you wish for the model to train with. These will be selected randomly as background for training images.
The LeafDataset
supports multiple modes, more details are to be found in the train manual (further down)
leafsegmentor train -e 2 -s 50 -k 10 dataset_config.json
Train a new model from scratch (From COCO) using the dataset configuration in dataset_config.json
The content of the configuration file is explained in the train manual
-e 2 -s 50
- Run 2 epochs, 50 steps each epoch
-k 10
- Keep 10 train samples to see pictures the model trained on
- More details on the options in the train manual (further down)
You can use the provided LeafDataset
that supports some configurations that work fine with young banana plant and young corn plants, but you can implement a custom dataset yourself if you like. The dataset should be usable by Matterport/MaskRCNN model. Follow this post (especially step 6) for more info about that.
The additional thing you need to do is implement the method from_config
that should receive:
- A configuration dictionary whatever you want your instance to receive upon creation.width
- Specify the size of the pictures
And should return an instance of utils.Dataset
Also you will need to provide a .json
file with the following structure:
"dataset_module": "MyDataset",
"dataset_class": "MyDataset",
"config": {
"arg1": "value",
"args2": "value",
- Pay attention that the dictionary inside "config" is exactly the dictionary your class will receive in
Now it's money time, you have trained your model and got .h5 files generated by the training. You can use these weights to run inference on non annotated pictures!
leafsegmentor infer -m ../models/banana_LS2_2019_11_18.h5 --gt AgrinetAdapter --task 129 ../datasets/examples/banana/inference_test
This example runs inference on the pictures of dataset task id 129 (pre-downloaded to directory GT_images_jsons) and also compares the result to the ground truth.
-m ../models/banana_LS2_2019_11_18.h5
- Specifies a previously trained model
--gt AgrinetAdapter
- Specifies that the json files in the inference directory are in the format parsed by the AgrinetAdapter class.
--task 120
- A required argument by
to correctly parse the .json files.
leafsegmentor - the leaf model simple interface
leafsegmentor [--version] [--help] <command> [<args>]
leafsegmentor uses the Tensorflow implementation of Mask-RCNN by MatterPort and a handful of integration scripts and utilities to simplify training and inference of leaf datasets.
For information on the different subcommands read the according manual pages
Prints the synopsis and the list of possible options and commands.
Prints the leaf-model command line version
Train a model from a dataset
Run inference on a directory of pictures, using a pretrained model
Cut leaves from annotated data
Print model metadata
leafsegmentor-train - train a model for leaves
leafsegmentor train [-h] [-o <path> | --output=<path>] [-k <value> | --dataset-keep=<value>] [--preview-only] [-e <epochs> | --epochs <epochs>] [-s | --steps-per-epoch] [-l | --layers (all | heads | 3+ | 4+ | 5+)] [-p <pretrained> | --pretrain <pretrained>] <datasetconfigfile>
Creates a dataset of synthetic pictures, and runs the training model on the dataset. The result models are saved as .h5 files.
<datasetconfigfile> This is the json file specifying the configuration of the training datatset.
config example:
"dataset_module": "LeafDataset",
"dataset_class": "LeafDataset",
"config": {
"folder_objects": "../datasets/examples/banana/train_leaves",
"folder_bgs": "../datasets/examples/banana/train_backgrounds",
"min_leaf": 4,
"max_leaf": 10,
"min_plants": 1,
"max_plants": 1,
"leaf_angle_offset": 70,
"leaf_position_offset": 64,
"min_scale": 0.5,
"max_scale": 1.5,
"image_size": 512,
"number_of_images": 200,
"centered_leaves": true
"folder_objects": "../datasets/examples/banana/train_leaves",
"folder_bgs": "../datasets/examples/banana/train_backgrounds",
"min_leaf": 4,
"max_leaf": 10,
"min_plants": 1,
"max_plants": 1,
"leaf_angle_offset": 70,
"leaf_position_offset": 64,
"min_scale": 0.5,
"max_scale": 1.5,
"image_size": 512,
"number_of_images": 200,
"centered_leaves": true
- The python module containing the dataset class.
- The dataset Class. This class should inherit the utils.Dataset
and implement the class method: from_config(cls, config_dict, width, height)
- take a look at LeafDataset.py
The idea is that the configuration is binded to the implementation of the from_config
methdo. This way you can implement your own dataset and continue using the command line.
specify path to .h5 model location [default: models]
specify how many samples to keep (default 0)
generate samples of training set without training the model
number of training epochs
number of training steps to perform per epoch
layers of model to train. Other layers will remain unchanged
path to a .h5 file with a pretrained model, or just 'COCO' to retrieve the coco pretrain file. [default: COCO]
leafsegmentor-infer - leaf inference command
leafsegmentor infer [-h] [-m <model> | --model <model>] [-o <path> | --output <path>] [--no-pictures] [--no-contours] [--no-masks] [--gt=<adapterClass>] [--task=<task_id>] <picturespath>
Loads a model and runs inference on all the pictures located in a directory, or just on a picture.
Output is:
- A set of pictures with a translucent mask on every detected leaf
- A set of mask pictures
- A contour annotation file in json format and a list of numpy exportet txt files of the contours
- If ground truth is specified (
) then also the mask of the ground truth is drawn in the output directory
<picturespath> The path to a directory containing pictures. The command will iterate over all the pictures and generate the mask files, and the contour txt files.
path to .h5 trained model to infer with
Set output directory [default: current]
Doesn’t output the translucent pictures
Doesn’t output the contour file
Doesn’t output the mask pictures
Specify the Name of the module and adapter class. The adapter class is supposed to parse some dataset format, and provide the polygons in a generic format.
See BaseAnnotationAdapter
module for more details.
Special argument for the agrinet datasets which require to know the relevant task_id
leafsegmentor-cut - single leaf extractor
leafsegmentor cut [-h] [-o <path> | --output <path>] [-l <limit> | --limit <limit>] [-n <width>| --normalize=<width>] [-b | --background=(black | white | original, transparent)] [-a <adapter> | --adapter=<adapter>] [-r | --rotate] <jsonpath>
Cut single leaf pictures from an annotated dataset. This step is intended to extract single leaves from annotated datasets, and then use these leaves to train a model. This can also be used to cut leaves from files that went through inference, in order to use the single leaves in other processes.
<jsonpath> A path to a directory or a json file that holds the dataset you want to cut to single leaves. The format of the json should be binded to the adapter class you specify.
Set output directory [default: current]
Maximum number of object files to create. Not specifying this argument will result in cutting all the available objects
Normalize the generated pictures to the specified width-size. By default pictures are not normalized, every leaf stays at its original size
Specify the background of the leaf, if a color or original is selected, the object won’t have an alpha layer [default: transparent]
Specify the Name of the module and adapter class. The adapter class is supposed to parse some dataset format, and provide the polygons in a generic format.
See BaseAnnotationAdapter
module for more details.
Rotate output leaves to match 2 points from annotation
This works only if the adapter inherits from the RotatableAdapter
class. See the docstring of the function get_point
for mor details.
leafsegmentor-info - model metadata extractor
leafsegmentor info <modelpath>
Prints information about the model saved in the model-info variable
leafsegmentor download <taskid> <location>
Download a task id directory from the Agrinet data bases
*This command works only on Agrinet server.
The task id number
<location> (Default: 'downloads')
The location to put the downloaded files