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Apax Cheat Sheet


The following information are valid for : Apax version : 3.2.X
Pls. select another github tag (moving forward) in order to switch description for another Apax feature-version you may use instead.

[01] General


command short description
apax info Returns a bunch of Apax meta-information, just like local and online-available apax versions, protected scopes etc.
apax --version -v Returns the version of the installed Apax.
apax self-update <VERSION> Update Apax itself to a specific version. If not provided the latest one will be installed.
apax self-update --force-latest -f Force an Apax update to its latest version. Be aware of including breaking changes.
apax remove-versions --version=<VERSIONS> A space separated list of versions, to remove. If not provided all versions other then the current one will be removed.
apax config set <SETTING> <VALUE> --registry <URL> Set global Apax settings on your system in order to alter the default config, just like "token", "scope", "region".
apax config reset <SETTING> <VALUE> --registry <URL> Reset the edited global Apax settings on your system in order to fall back to the default.


command description
apax login Interactive login.
apax login --registry <URL> --password <ACCESS-TOKEN> Login to a custom registry e.g.

A login might be required to install dependencies from registries, where an authentication is required.


command description
apax update-license Update local offline license file for Apax tools.

The license file automatically will be updated when successfully executing apax install, apax update or apax add.

[02] Setup workspaces

command description
apax create Create a new project interactively.
apax create <TEMPLATE-NAME> <YOUR-WORKSPACE-NAME> Create a project from a specific template, which is on the default registry. Like : "app" / "lib" / "catalog" etc.
apax create <TEMPLATE-NAME> --registry <URL> <WORKSPACE-NAME> Create a project from a template, which is not on the default registry.

Example for apax create command

apax create @simatic-ax/ae-json-library --registry myjsonapp


create arguments short description
--postcreate -p Run an existing postcreate script during creation.
--here Create the new project directly in the current directory, instead of using a new directory.
--no-git After creation skip the default initialization of a git repository.

Example for postcreate script

Command: apax create my-template --registry= --postcreate This command execute the postcreate script, when it is defined in the template my-template. In this example, the dependencies will be installed automatically.

  postcreate: apax install

[03] Manage dependencies

Discover dependencies

command description
apax list --package <NAME> --version <VERSION> List information about a specific version of a package.
apax list --keyword List all packages containing a specific keyword in theire apay.yml.

Install dependencies

command short description
apax install Installs dependencies based on apax.yml manifest and creates a apax-lock.json file. If a lock file exists dependency information will be used for installation except when apax.yml defines a specific version to be used. For details see below
apax install --immutable -i Performs a clean & reproduceable install by clearing .apax folder before installing dependencies from scratch. Lockfile will be used as source for dependency metadata. If apax.yml and Lockfile are out of sync (apax.yml defines different version than apax-lock.json) the installation will fail with non-zero exit code.
apax install --copy-local -c Copy packages instead of linking to the global cache.
apax install --redownload -r Redownload packages, even if they are already available in the global cache.
apax install --catalog Applies the catalog(s) dependencies-filter to the project. Keeps the same versions of dependencies if they fit within the range the catalog allows.
apax install --catalog --strict Applies the catalog(s) dependencies-filter to the project. Changes the dependencies also mentioned in the catalog to the exact version defined in the catalog.

Dependencies will be installed according to semantic versioning.

apax.yml apax-lock.json available versions on registry apax install option installed version
2.0.1 - 2.0.15, 2.5.26, 4.0.0 - 2.0.1
^2.0.1 - 2.0.15, 2.5.26, 4.0.0 - 2.5.26
~2.0.1 - 2.0.15, 2.5.26, 4.0.0 - 2.0.15
^2.0.1 2.0.1 2.0.15, 2.5.26, 4.0.0 - 2.0.1
^2.0.1 2.0.1 2.0.15, 2.5.26, 4.0.0 --immutable 2.0.1
2.0.15 2.0.1 2.0.15, 2.5.26, 4.0.0 - 2.0.15
2.0.15 2.0.1 2.0.15, 2.5.26, 4.0.0 --immutable Error, manifest & lockfile in conflict


install arguments description
--ignore-scripts Do not run any pre~ and post~ scripts. For example preinstall & postinstall.
--install-strategy <STRATEGY> Define apax install strategy strict (default) or overrideable. Not mention this argument will always fall back to the default or whats defined in the apax.yml.

strict: strict adherence to version requirements / errors if versions do not match
overridable: more flexible approach to find a compatible version / attempts to satisfy the most requirements, even if not all are strictly met

Examples for apax install

  "@ax/sdk": X.Y.Z #latest major versions 4.1.8 / 3.0.19
@ax/sdk": X.Y.Z installed version
@ax/sdk": 4.0.2 4.0.2
@ax/sdk": ^4.0.2 4.1.8
@ax/sdk": ~4.0.2 4.0.8
@ax/sdk": 3.0.2 3.0.2
@ax/sdk": ^3.0.2 3.0.19
@ax/sdk": ~3.0.2 3.0.19

Update dependencies

command short description
apax update Interactive update of all dependencies according to semantic versioning.
apax update <PACKAGE> The PACKAGE that should be updated (non-interactive).
apax update --all -a Update all package (non interactive) according the semantic versioning
apax update --catalog Interactive update of all catalogs according to semantic versioning.
apax update --catalog <CATALOG> The CATALOG that should be updated (non-interactive).


update arguments short description
--forceLatest -f Add force latest-version for the update ignoring semantic versioning.
--prerelease -p Consider including updating to prereleased versions (unstable).

Example for apax update @ax/sdk (non-interactive mode)

  "@ax/sdk": X.Y.Z #latest major versions: 4.1.8 / 3.0.19
entry in apax.yml result
@ax/sdk": 4.0.2 No update
@ax/sdk": ^4.0.2 @ax/sdk ^4.0.2 -> ^4.1.8
@ax/sdk": ~4.0.2 @ax/sdk ~4.0.2 -> ~4.0.3
@ax/sdk": 3.0.2 No update
@ax/sdk": ^3.0.2 @ax/sdk ^3.0.2 -> ^3.0.19
@ax/sdk": ~3.0.2 @ax/sdk ~3.0.2 -> ~3.0.19

Example for apax update @ax/sdk --forceLatest (non-interactive mode)

  "@ax/sdk": x.y.z #latest major versions: 4.1.8 / 3.0.19
entry in apax.yml result
@ax/sdk": 4.0.2 @ax/sdk 4.0.2 -> 4.1.8
@ax/sdk": ^4.0.2 @ax/sdk ^4.0.2 -> ^4.1.8
@ax/sdk": ~4.0.2 @ax/sdk ~4.0.2 -> ~4.1.8
@ax/sdk": 3.0.2 @ax/sdk 3.0.2 -> 4.1.8
@ax/sdk": ^3.0.2 @ax/sdk ^3.0.2 -> ^4.1.8
@ax/sdk": ~3.0.2 @ax/sdk ~3.0.2 -> ~4.1.8

Example for apax update <PACKAGE>

  "@ax/sdk": 4.0.2 #latest version 4.0.8
  "@ax/system-timer": 3.0.1 #latest 4.0.1

The command apax update @ax/system-timer -f will just update the package @ax/system-timer from 3.0.1 to version 4.0.1

Add dependencies

command short description
apax add <PACKAGE> The name of the package to add to the projects apax.yml depencencies. It calls implicit an apax install.
apax add <PACKAGE> --dev -D Whether to add the package as a devdepencencies instead. It call implicitly a apax install.
apax add <CATALOG> --catalog Add the catalog to the catalogs section. It do NOT call implicitly a apax install --catalog.


add arguments short description
--ignore-scripts Do not run any pre~ and post~ scripts.
--verbose -v Show additional information in the terminal.
--tilde -T Add a package in a [~] version range, allowing patch updates. Default:[^] version range, allowing minor updates.
--exact -E Add a package in an exact version, not allowing updates.

Example for apax add

apax add @ax/system@latest --exact

Remove dependencies

command description
apax remove <PACKAGE> The name of the package to remove from the project.
apax remove <CATALOG> The name of the catalog to remove from the project.
apax clean --globally Remove all temporary files from the project. This includes the .apax folder and contents from the .bin folder which correlate with your apax.yml.

[04] Build

command description
apax build Build the project using the ST compiler. Make sure the @ax/sdk or @ax/st package is installed.


build arguments short description
--variables=<VARIABLES> -v Add variables during build, corresponding apax.yml variables will be overridden!
-ignore-scripts Do not run any pre~ and post~ scripts. For example prebuild & postbuild.

Example for a postbuild script

This postbuild script executes the unit tests automatically, when the build command was successful.

  postbuild: apax test

[05] Test

command description
apax test Run AxUnit tests. Requires the @ax/axunitst package, which is included with e.g. @ax/sdk.


test arguments short description
--coverage -c Specifies to get coverage.
--ignore-scripts Do not run any pre~ and post~ scripts. For example pretest & posttest.

[06] Publishing and More

Create a package

command description
apax pack Create a package that can be published. Only files specified in the files section of the apax.yml are included.


pack arguments description
--key=<KEY> The private<KEY> to sign the package with, instead of taking it from the default file. Begins with "SECRET".
--keyVersion <VERSION> Optional add a version "v{number}" , default: "v1" .
--ignore-scripts Do not run any pre~ and post~ scripts. For example prepack & postpack.

apax pack automatically calls apax keygen once, if no <KEY> was provided. A new key with v1 will be generated in the process.

Example apax.yml snippet

name: myproject
version: 1.0.0
  - src

Given the files section in the apax.yml. Apax pack creates a package myproject-1.0.0.apax.tgz which includes the and the "src"-folder.

Publish a package

command description
apax publish --package=<PACKAGE> --registry=<URL> --tag <TAG-NAME> Publish a given package.apax.tgz to the specified package-registry<URL> with an optional tag (default: latest).

Signing of packages

command description
apax sign --package=<PACKAGE> Sign an existing package. Note that the pack command also signs packages and is preferred; this one is provided for advanced use cases.
apax sign --package=<PACKAGE> --key=<KEY> Same as above. But instead of taking it from the default file, you can use another key

Signed packages protects of manipulated packages. apax pack signs every package. If no key exists, a new key will be generated.

Generate keys

command description
apax keygen Creates a key-file, consisting of private and public key, if no key-file exists.
apax keygen --override-existing Override an existing key-file with a new private and public key.

Example of a key pair

created: 2023-08-30T16:30:00.000Z
publicKey: 1234effe0123abba5678fefe7890abcd1234def4321dcba00001234affebcda1

WARNING: never publish the private key!

Deprecate packages

If you no longer wish to maintain a package, or if you would like to encourage users to update to a new or different version, you can deprecate it. Deprecating a package or version will print a message to the terminal when a user installs it anyways. If you want to delete/ unpublish the package instead do it at the package registry directly.

command description
apax deprecate <PACKAGE> <MESSAGE> --registry <URL> Deprecate a given package.apax.tgz from a specified package-registry<URL>. Use the message field to guide the user.

Optional you can add --undeprecate in order to revert the deprecation.

[07] Typical workflows

Create workspace for a PLC application, library or a TIAX workflow via CLI and open it in AxCode

1. open a command line window
2. cd <destination directory> select the destination directory \temp\
3. apax create TEMPLATE NAME TEMPLATE = [app, lib, tiax], NAME = your workspace name (e.g. myWorkspace)
4. cd NAME change to the directory myWorkspace
5. apax install install the dependencies
6. axcode . open repository in AX Code

Create workspace for a PLC application, library or a TIAX workflow via CLI in an opened AxCode

1. AxCode is already open
2. Select File-->Close folder if a folder is opened
3. Open a terminal in AxCode
4. cd <destination directory> select the destination directory \temp\
5. apax create <TEMPLATE> <NAME> --here TEMPLATE = [app, lib, tiax], NAME = your workspace name (e.g. myWorkspace)

please mind that in this case the option --here is required for the apax createcommand

[08] Scripting with Apax

In the apax.yml you can define a scripting section.

Example apax.yml snippet:

    - apax build
    - apax test

To execute the scripts just enter apax my-script. In the given example, apax build and apax test will executed one after each other.


name description
preinstall executed before apax [install /add / remove / update]
postinstall executed after apaxx [install /add / remove / update]
prebuild executed before apax build
postbuild executed after apax build
prepack executed before apax pack
postpack executed after apax pack
postcreate executed after apax createwith the option --postcreate, disabled by default.

Adding --ignore-scripts to the corresponding apax commands will disable the execution of these Build-In-Scripts if they are defined.

[09] Contributed Apax Commands

command short description
apax --show -s Lists all available contributed commands from your repository that are comming from installed packages.
apax <COMMAND-NAME> Execute contributed commands.


Learn more about the correct usage of our package manager "Apax"








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