Unstable software, attribute names and options are subject to change
reapkgs is a nix flake repackaging of ReaPack repos. Allows declarative configuration of ReaPack packages included in a nix-managed installation of REAPER (for example using home-manager).
reapkgs is NOT meant to replace ReaPack itself. The project supports only a small subset of ReaPack's functionality, and is meant to be used alongside it. For example, this is usable only in nix-enabled environments and there are no plans right now for package discovery through reapkgs. That said, reapkgs does not require installation or usage of ReaPack.
A flake for "known" ReaPack repos is generated in the reapkgs-known repo.
If you only wish to use known repos, proceed to section about using generated flakes.
If you wish to use other ReaPack repos, you have to generate and include a new flake.
- Create a file with urls to your repo's ReaPack index files.
(in urls.txt)
- Generate the flake
nix run github:silvarc141/reapkgs -- -gpri urls.txt
Or when on a non-flake-enabled system:
nix --experimental-features 'nix-command flakes' run github:silvarc141/reapkgs -- -gpri urls.txt
Install dependencies:
- XMLStarlet
- GNU Parallel
Clone repo, cd into it, then run: ./generate-reapkgs.sh -gpri urls.txt
For more info on the generator script run
nix run github:silvarc141/reapkgs -- -h
or without nix
./generate-reapkgs.sh -h
- Add to flake inputs
(in flake.nix)
inputs = {
# ...
reapkgs-known.url = "github:silvarc141/reapkgs-known";
reapkgs-known.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs-unstable";
- Use with home-manager
(in home.nix)
xdg.configFile.REAPER = {
# join all packages in REAPER config path to preserve correct directory structure
recursive = true;
source = pkgs.symlinkJoin {
name = "reapkgs";
paths = with inputs.reapkgs-known.packages.${pkgs.system}; [
# add packages
(with saike-tools; [
I plan on building a home-manager module for REAPER that will incorporate reapkgs in the future.
Simplest way to find a reapkgs package exact attribute name is to search the generated flake after finding the name of the package in ReaPack browser. As of now there are no plans for other means of package discovery.
Package names are generated from ReaPack package names, but adapted to a the nix package naming convention (lowercase-semicolon-separated). Each ReaPack package version is a separate attribute in reapkgs, with its version sanitized and appended to the name.