This repo contains Ansible playbooks that installs our recommended development environment.
Currently, these playbooks only install software for web development on Ubuntu GNOME 16.04 LTS.
- Download the Ubuntu iso.
- Make the bootable USB stick following these instructions. Note, if you are going to dual-boot Window 10, use these instructions to make a UEFI bootable USB stick. This way, you'll avoid issues when the bootloader is installed.
- Install Linux, clicking next as required.
If you have a modest SSD installed, say 250G or so with perhaps an additional spinning media. We recommend partitioning like so:
Notable features:
- The swap space is on the spinning media.
- The SSD is split to dual boot Windows and Linux Mint
- There is a large(ish) shared NTFS space for source code.
If you are developing a web app using the MongoDB schema-less database it is advisable to have the database on spinning media, as Mongo can grow the memory mapped files to quite a large size, whether you want it to or not. Therefore there is an ext3 (or ext4) partition on the spinning media alongside the large NTFS partition for shared files.
So, what all is installed? Have a look at the *.yml files. This dev environment stops short of installing required dependencies for a particular app. e.g. mySQL and Apache would be installed by the application Ansible playbook.
# Install Git
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install git
# Install Ansible 2.1
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ansible/ansible
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ansible
This upgrades your system and installs ansible and git without which is required to continue with the Ansible Setup described below.
From your home folder...
mkdir src
cd src
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd ops-devbox
ansible-playbook -i hosts dev.yml --limit localhost -K
and wait.
You might want to open the systems resource monitor to check on your network traffic, and to give you comfort that something is in fact happening.
I like Remarkable as a markdown editor. However, it's no longer in the repos for the latest Mint. You need to install it manually (via deb).
This procedure has been known to work with:
- Ubuntu GNOME 16.04.01 LTS (Xenial)
Previous versions
- Linux Mint
- Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty)