This is the Web Service interface for the SIL App Publishing Service.
Doorman is a web application developed by GTIS that automates the workflow of approval and provisioning of services for SIL and affiliate organizations (requires Insite authentication). Examples of the services are: Smartsheet, Trello, HipChat, Jira, and CrashPlan.
For the SIL App Publishing Service, Doorman will provide the following services:
- Readiness Check
- Collect Publishing Project Definition
- Project Name
- Language Code
- App Publishing Key
- App Store (Currently: Wycliffe USA)
- Future: Account for expenses and charges (if we cannot cover them)
- Notifies Service Admin for Project Creation Approval
- Create Git Repo in AWS CodeCommit & assigns access rights to user using App Publishing Key
- Requests New Project in BuildEngine (includes App Publishing URL)
- Notifies user of App Publishing URL and request them to Send/Receive project
- Requests New Build in BuildEngine -> Build Artifact in S3
- Builds App for Initial Store Entry
- Notifies User for Review
- Notifies Service Admin for Review, Approval, and creation of initial App Store Entry (must be done by human; Play Store limites number/day)
- Request BuildEnging to Publish App to Google Play Store
- Manages Service/Update of Project
In production, there is a dependency on Amazon Web Services for the following services:
- CloudWatch
- CodeBuild
- CodeCommit1
- create repository for storing project configuration
- Identity and Access Management (IAM)
- create users based on project provisioning requests
- create group based on user's Entity of Assignment and add user to group
- give permission to user to access CodeCommit Repo
- Relational Database Services (RDS)
- store project, build, and release information for BuildEngine Web Service
- Note: In development, we use a MariaDB database to simulate RDS database
- S3
The staging version is available at
The App Publishing Service is a collection of applications that are deployed as Docker containers. Docker containers are based on Linux Containers which is a virtualization strategy that reuses Linux Kernel of the host and isolates applications in a mini Linux system. Therefore, the host for these containers must be a Linux system (which can be run in a Virtual Machine on non-Linux systems for development).
There is a set of containers:
- BuildEngine - RESTful Web Service used by Doorman
- web - REST API implementation that takes requests and updates database
- cron - processes the updates to the database and interfaces with CodeBuild; updates database with status from CodeBuild
In production, the containers are deployed to a docker container service, like Amazon ECS. For local development, these containers can be deployed to:
- Docker CE: Linux or Mac
- Vagrant: Windows or Linux
Note: Docker Toolbox exists for Windows, however it an issue with interactive terminal (docker -it container command). This limitation makes it difficult to debug issues during development and is not recommended.
For SIL development or staging, please contact @chris_hubbard for access to the SIL LSDev account.
APP_ENV is a variable that differentiates development, staging, and production environments. For development environments, you should use the form "development-USERNAME-MACHINE" (e.g. development-chrish-win). Whenever you see APP_ENV in the directions, please substitute with your chosen environment string. APP_ENV should be limited to alphanumeric characters, '.', '_', and '-' (CodeCommit limit).
AWS_USER_ID is a 12 digit number that you can get from AWS Support Center Whenever you see AWS_USER_ID in the directions, please substitute with the value from your account.
- On Windows, you will need to install Git for Windows and execute commands from a Git Bash shell.
- Clone Source Repositories for
- Create BuildEngine SSH Key to be used to authenticate git access to jenkins config data
- Associate BuildEngine SSH Key to a user in IAM
- Create S3 Folders to store credentials
- Give permissions to IAM users
- Build Engine Configuration
- Deploy containers for BuildEngine
You will need to authenticate to GitHub to be able to clone the repositories. You can either use username/password with the HTTPS urls:
git clone
git clone
Or you can create an SSH Key, store the private and public key in ~/.ssh, and associate the public key with your GitHub account.
mkdir -p ~/.ssh
chmod 700 ~/.ssh
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa
# login to and "New SSH Key" using ~/.ssh/
git clone [email protected]:sillsdev/appbuilder-buildengine-api
git clone [email protected]:sillsdev/docker-appbuilder-agent
If you want to create a separate SSH Key just for GitHub, you can create the SSH Key in a subdirectory of ~/.ssh and then add an entry to ~/.ssh/config (which normally doesn't exist--create an empty file) to specify the location of the key.
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/github/id_rsa
BuildEngine uses git to synchronize the git Repository with ssh keys for authentication.
- Create ~/.ssh/buildengine_api directory
- Create ssh key in ~/.ssh/buildengine_api directory (use an empty key phrase)
mkdir -p ~/.ssh/buildengine_api
chmod 700 ~/.ssh/buildengine_api
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f ~/.ssh/buildengine_api/id_rsa
openssl rsa -in ~/.ssh/buildengine_api/id_rsa -pubout > ~/.ssh/buildengine_api/id_rsa_pub.pem
This will also save the public key to ~/.ssh/buildengine_api/
BuildEngine uses SSH authentication to access the Git repository which store Jenkins job configuration. You need to associate the SSH Public Key with a user in IAM.
- In AWS, go to IAM service and create or select a user which will be the "Build Engine" user for your deployment
- Note: You will need the
Access Key Id
andSecret Access Key
for this user later.
- Note: You will need the
- Select the Security Credentials tab
- Click on "Upload SSH public key" button
- Open ~/.ssh/buildengine_api/ with a text editor and copy all of the text
- Paste the text into the "Upload SSH public key" page.
- Click on the "Upload SSH public Key" button
- You should see a new entry under "SSH keys for AWS CodeCommit". Save the value of "SSH Key ID" for the new uploaded key to ~/.ssh/buildengine_api/ssh_key_id.txt
BuildEngine and AppBuilder use s3-expand to extract credentials needed to access resources.
- Create the following folder in AWS S3
- Save buildengine_api private and public key in S3
CodeBuild is used to initiate jobs that can build the application and/or publish them to the Google Play Store.
The credentials being saved here are to support a system that will build the application using AppBuilder:
- Create the following folders in AWS S3
- Save appbuilder private and public key in S3
AppBuilder needs additional credentials for signing APK files. These
- Create the following folder in S3
- Create a wycliffeusa.keystore (using Scripture App Builder from Tools->Create New KeyStore menu)
- When creating a keystore, there are 3 other pieces of information needed to access the keystore later.
- Key Store Password
- Key Alias Name
- Key Alias Password
- Create text files (that will be uploaded to S3) with the values entered for these 3 pieces of information.
- ksp.txt - Key Store Password
- ka.txt - Key Alias
- kap.txt - Key Alias Password
- Upload wycliffeusa.keystore, ksp.txt, ka.txt, and kap.txt to
If the credentials being saved here are to support a system that will publish the application to Google Play Store:
- Create the following folder in S3
- Upload playstore_api.json to
There are 3 different users involved in accessing S3 resources
- Build Engine
- S3: Access secrets
- S3: Put build artifacts
- IAM: Create User and Groups, Manage SSH Key
- CodeCommit: Create Repository
- End User
- CodeCommit: Read/Write Project data
Create the following policies:
- S3 App Builder Secrets - extract ssh keys to access Git repository for Job DSL configuration
- In AWS IAM Policies, Create Policy
- Select "Create Your Own Policy"
- Set the Policy Name to "s3-appbuilder-secrets-APPENV"
- Paste in this text and then click on "Create Policy"
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
- S3 App Builder Artifacts - write and delete build artifiacts accessed by end user via Doorman
- Note: These are a too permissive. TODO: Work on minimal set.
- In AWS IAM Policies, Create Policy
- Select "Create Your Own Policy"
- Set the Policy Name to "s3-appbuilder-artifacts-APPENV"
- Paste in this text and then click on "Create Policy"
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
- CodeCommit Repository for project data
- In AWS IAM Policies, Create Policy
- Select "Create Your Own Policy"
- Set the Policy Name to "codecommit-projects-APPENV"
- Paste in this text and then click on "Create Policy"
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
- Project creations and building
- In AWS IAM Policies, Create Policy
- Select "Create Your Own Policy"
- Set the Policy Name to "projects-creation-and-building-APPENV"
- Paste in this text and then click on "Create Policy"
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "VisualEditor0",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": ""
"Sid": "VisualEditor1",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:codecommit::*:*"
- CodeBuild Base Policy for Building
- In AWS IAM Policies, Create Policy
- Select "Create Your Own Policy"
- Set the Policy Name to "codebuild-basepolicy-build_app-APPENV"
- Paste in this text and then click on "Create Policy"
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": [
"Action": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": [
"Action": [
- CodeBuild Base Policy for Publishing
- In AWS IAM Policies, Create Policy
- Select "Create Your Own Policy"
- Set the Policy Name to "codebuild-basepolicy-publish_app-APPENV"
- Paste in this text and then click on "Create Policy"
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": [
"Action": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": [
"Action": [
Attach the following policies to the "Build Engine" user:
- s3-appbuilder-secrets-APP_ENV
- s3-appbuilder-artifacts-APP_ENV
- projects-creation-and-building-APP_ENV
In the directory where you cloned appbuilder-buildengine-api
, do the following:
- copy local.env.dist to local.env and update the variables. Replace SOME_KEY with your chosen environment string.
- set
to theAccess Key Id
andSecret Access Key
of the Build Engine User. - set
to theAccess Key Id
andSecret Access Key
of the Build Engine User. itory. - set
to the value from [AWS Support Center]( - set
to the value of ~/.ssh/buildengine_api/ssh_key_id.txt - set
to the value stored in ~/.ssh/appbuilder/ssh_key_id.txt - set
to the ssh url saved from creating the Build Engine reposom/support/home) - set
to some unique string to your environment.- This will be used during testing for HTTP Bearer Token Authentication.
- See RFC6750 for more details.
- If deploying to native Docker on Linux or Docker Toolbox on Mac, set environment variable DOCKER_UIDGID
echo 'export DOCKER_UIDGID="$(id -u):$(id -g)"' >> ~/.profile
source ~/.profile
- Install Docker CE
- Install Docker-Compose
- NOTE: DOCKER_UIDGID needs to be set in environment
- Start services
docker-compose up -d
- Install VirtualBox
- Install Vagrant
- Start vagrant & services
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
- Install Docker CE for Mac
- Install Docker-Compose
- NOTE: DOCKER_UIDGID needs to be set in environment
- Start docker and services
docker-compose up -d
Doorman interacts with BuildEngine using a RESTful Web Interface. This can be simlated with a Google Chrome Extension called Advanded REST Client.
- Install Advanced REST Client to test Web Service
- Give User Write Permissions to CodeCommit
- Create AppBuilder CodeCommit Repository
- Commit Project to AppBuilder CodeCommit repository
- [Add Job to BuildEngine] TODO:
- Get job
- Request a build for a job
- Get build status
- Publish a build
For development deployment, we will need a project to test with. Earlier we created a codecommit-project-APP_ENV policy that gives the appbuilder user read/write permissions to any repository with the name prefix of projects-APP_ENV-.
- Add the following text to ~/.ssh/config to use the appbuilder ssh key to commit the project.
Host git-codecommit.*
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/appbuilder/id_rsa
- Change USERNAME to be the value of ~/.ssh/appbuilder/ssh_key_id.txt
We use CodeCommit Git repositories for storing the data for the project. The Doorman service provisioning application automates the creation of the repository and setting the security. We need to simulate that here.
- Go to AWS CodeCommit
- Click "Create new repository"
- Set the repository name to projects-APP_ENV-PROJECT_NAME
- Click on the "Clone URL" dropdown and select SSH. Copy the URL for the next step.
- Copy a project to use for testing
- In a ~/App\ Builder/Scripture\ Apps/App\ Projects/, copy some project to projects-APP_ENV-PROJECT_NAME
- In a command window, do the following:
- cd ~/App\ Builder/Scripture\ Apps/App\ Projects/projects-APP_ENV-PROJECT_NAME
- git init
- git add .
- git commit -m "Initial Revision"
- git remote add origin URL
- URL is the "Clone URL" from Create AppBuilder CodeCommit Repository
- git push origin master
The base URL of BuildEngine depends on how you deployed BuildEngine
- Start Google Chrome and Switch to "Apps" in Google Chrome and select ARC
- set URL (first field) to http://BUILDENGINE_HOST/job (BUILDENGINE_HOST depends on how BuildEngine was deployed)
- vagrant (Windows or Linux):
- native docker (Linux): localhost
- docker-machine (Mac): run
docker-engine ip default
to determine IP- most likely:
- set VERB to POST
- set Headers to (replace YOUR_API_TOKEN)
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN
Content-Type: application/json
- set Payload to (replace YOUR_REQUEST_ID with a unique value like the return value of
date +%s
"request_id" : "YOUR_REQUEST_ID",
"git_url" : "ssh://",
"app_id" : "scriptureappbuilder",
"publisher_id" : "wycliffeusa"
- Click Send
We use for the Git Repository since AWS only charges for $1/month/active-user. For many projects, the user requesting the project will be active for a short period of time and then not modify the project repository for a long time. It would be possible to use another Git service (like GitHub) to host the project repository, but will require to make a code change in application/common/model/Job.php to allow other repository urls). ↩