Simple pixel art editor with (almost) infinite canvas.
Online editors & editor extensions:
- GitHub Pages (PWA)
- VSCode Extension
- Simple and intuitive UI
- (Almost) infinite canvas
- The center frame region is exported as the final image
- You can make use of the blank space as a temporary working buffer, color palette, etc
- If settings are enabled, the continuous vertical frames are treated as layers and the successive horizontal frames are regarded as animation frames
- Support PNG file format
- Created images are saved as PNG files (with additional metadata)
- You can load existing PNG files and use Pixcil as a dot-by-dot PNG file editor
You can use Cargo to build Pixcil.
// Build.
$ git clone
$ cd pixcil
$ cargo build --release --target wasm32-unknown-unknown
$ ls target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/pixcil.wasm
// Start an HTTP server and visit the root page in your browser.
$ cd web/
$ start-your-favorite-http-server