This project assessed how climate change will impact the distribution of three important reef builders of the Western Atlantic. This was done using SDM tools in an ensemble framework. For more details, reader is referred to the publication “Predicted shifts in the distributions of Atlantic reef-building corals in the face of climate change”. All codes and data used in the study are available in this folder, except original climatic layers, which are available online.
An interactive version of the results of this work is availabe at
data: all data used in the study
– env: environmental data
— bath_layers: bathymetry layers
— change_factor: change factor applied to obtain future climatic
— crop_layers: Bio-ORACLE layers cropped to the extent of the
— proj_layers: future scenarios layers — Other files used in
processing environmental data (auxiliary).
– muhi: Mussismilia hispida data
– moca: Montastraea cavernosa data
– side: Siderastrea data
– thinning: files produced in the thinning procedure (presence
codes: all codes used in the study
– graphs: codes used in the production of the maps
– climate: codes used for producing the future climate layers using
CDO (external) and R
functions: all functions that were used either directly or as
support in the study
data_cleaning: codes used in the data cleaning procces, including
download of data from databases
gis: this folder includes shapefiles used to create maps and as
boot: this folder stores bootstrap results
Folders with species acronyms: stores BIOMOD2 results for each
figures: contains the logo of the page. Stores maps when code is
auxiliary_codes: other codes used to obtain certain data
A reproducible version of the results section (that is, all the analysis) of the article is available here as an Rmd file (results.Rmd).
All codes are supplied as individual files, so it’s possible to run each one separately. However, note that for some codes to work they need to be executed in the same order as stated here.
- download of species data (these codes for species data are in the data_cleaning folder).
IMPORTANT: this part of the code involve steps of data cleaning. As
global datasets are in continuous change, if you run this code now, you
will probably end with different data than ours (new points may have
been added). Thus, these codes are supplied here just for the sake of
transparency of how data was obtained and cleaned. Final datasets used
in our study are provided with the codes.
species name_gbif_cleaning.R: this file is used to retrieve and
clean GBIF data on species occurrence.
species name_obis_cleaning.R: this file is used to retrieve and
clean OBIS data on species occurrence.
species name_data_preparation.R: this file is used to merge data
from GBIF, OBIS and bibliographic sources, and to prepare for use with
other codes.
tocell_species name.R: convert to 1 point per cell.
- Environmental layers preparing
bath_layer_prep.R: used to prepare bathymetry layer, based on
variables_prep_current.R: this file is used to prepare the
environmental layers from BIO-Oracle to be used in the modeling
wind_layer_prep.R: used to prepare the wind speed layer, from
change_factor_apply.R: used to prepare future layers applying the
change factor obtained from CMIP5 files (note that change factor was
obtained using the Climate Data Operators program. See note on the file
for more information).
- Pseudo-absence generation
kernel_density.R and occ_thinning: used to thin presence data.
Note that to occ_thinning
to work you need to first download
OccurrenceThinner v.1.04 from Also, note that
OccThinning need to be run in an “american format” language (due to
differences in the decimal signal).
pseudoabGen.R (function): this file is used to generate
pseudo-absences, required by the modeling procedure. Pseudo absences are
generated based on Mahalonobis distance and a buffer.
blockGen.R (function): used to create cross validation blocks for
the modeling, based on the blockCV package.
- Modelling
biomodModelling.R (function): code to run the ecological niche
modelling of reef building species.
cv_bootstrap.R: this code performs a bootstrap procedure for
obtaining coefficent of variations for the niche maps.
NOTE: the code file modeling_steps.R is provided just to organize the pseudo absence generation, the blockCV procedure and the final modeling with BIOMOD, which are provided as individual functions.
- Graphs and other analysis
plot_maps_mapname.R: generate maps using ggplot2.
areaChange.R and getDiff.R: get area differences between current
and future layers.
metricsTable.R and varimpTable.R: get tables of metrics and
variable importance.
Varload.R: load variables for use in each step of the modeling.
- Other codes (these are provided in the climate folder inside codes): if you want to execute this, you will first need to download CMIP5 files and the CDO program. See note on the change_factor_apply.R code.
log_cdo.txt: code steps used in the CDO program. Note that this is
not executable. You need to write each line once on the program.
interpolation.R: interpolation of CMIP5 layers to obtain the change
factor to be applied to current layers.
Please, contact us if you have any questions on how to use the codes.