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replace moment for luxon
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olmobrutall committed Sep 19, 2020
1 parent 0ece16e commit b209617
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Showing 13 changed files with 258 additions and 127 deletions.
226 changes: 178 additions & 48 deletions Signum.React/Scripts/ConfigureReactWidgets.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,39 +1,29 @@
import * as moment from "moment"
import { DateTime } from 'luxon';

import * as ReactWidgets from 'react-widgets';

export function configure() {

if (typeof moment !== 'function') throw new TypeError('You must provide a valid moment object');

const localField = (m: moment.Moment) => m.locale || m.lang,
hasLocaleData = !!moment.localeData;

if (!hasLocaleData) throw new TypeError('The Moment localizer depends on the `localeData` api, please provide a moment object v2.2.0 or higher');

function getMoment(culture: string, value: any, format: string | undefined) {
return culture ? localField(moment(value, format))(culture) : moment(value, format);

function endOfDecade(date: Date) {
return moment(date).add(10, 'year').add(-1, 'millisecond').toDate();
return DateTime.fromJSDate(date).plus({ years: 10 }).minus({ millisecond: 1 }).toJSDate();

function endOfCentury(date: Date) {
return moment(date).add(100, 'year').add(-1, 'millisecond').toDate();
return DateTime.fromJSDate(date).plus({ years: 100 }).minus({ millisecond: 1 }).toJSDate();

const localizer = {
formats: {
date: 'L',
time: 'LT',
'default': 'lll',
header: 'MMMM YYYY',
footer: 'LL',
weekday: 'dd',
dayOfMonth: 'DD',
date: 'D',
time: 't',
'default': 'FF',
header: 'MMMM yyyy',
footer: 'DDD',
weekday: 'EEE',
dayOfMonth: 'dd',
month: 'MMM',
year: 'YYYY',
year: 'yyyy',

decade: function decade(date: Date, culture: string, localizer: any) {
return localizer.format(date, 'YYYY', culture) + ' - ' + localizer.format(endOfDecade(date), 'YYYY', culture);
Expand All @@ -45,16 +35,24 @@ export function configure() {

firstOfWeek: function firstOfWeek(culture: string) {
return (moment.localeData(culture) as any).firstDayOfWeek();
var day = fistDay[culture?.tryAfter("-") ?? "ES"];

switch (day) {
case "sun": return 0;
case "mon": return 1;
case "fri": return 5;
case "sat": return 6;
default: throw new Error("Unexpected " + day);

parse: function parse(value: string, format: string, culture: string) {
if (value == undefined || value == "")
return undefined;

var moment = getMoment(culture, value, format);
if (moment.isValid())
return moment.toDate();
var t = DateTime.fromFormat(value, format ?? "F", { locale: culture })
if (t.isValid)
return t.toJSDate();

return undefined;
Expand All @@ -63,33 +61,165 @@ export function configure() {
if (value == undefined)
return "";

return getMoment(culture, value, undefined).format(_format);
return DateTime.fromJSDate(value, { locale: culture }).toFormat(_format);
(ReactWidgets as any).setDateLocalizer(localizer);


declare module "moment" {

interface Moment {
fromUserInterface(this: moment.Moment): moment.Moment;
toUserInterface(this: moment.Moment): moment.Moment;
const fistDay: { [isoCode: string]: "mon" | "sat" | "sun" | "fri" } = {
"001": "mon",
"AD": "mon",
"AE": "sat",
"AF": "sat",
"AG": "sun",
"AI": "mon",
"AL": "mon",
"AM": "mon",
"AN": "mon",
"AR": "mon",
"AS": "sun",
"AT": "mon",
"AU": "sun",
"AX": "mon",
"AZ": "mon",
"BA": "mon",
"BD": "sun",
"BE": "mon",
"BG": "mon",
"BH": "sat",
"BM": "mon",
"BN": "mon",
"BR": "sun",
"BS": "sun",
"BT": "sun",
"BW": "sun",
"BY": "mon",
"BZ": "sun",
"CA": "sun",
"CH": "mon",
"CL": "mon",
"CM": "mon",
"CN": "sun",
"CO": "sun",
"CR": "mon",
"CY": "mon",
"CZ": "mon",
"DE": "mon",
"DJ": "sat",
"DK": "mon",
"DM": "sun",
"DO": "sun",
"DZ": "sat",
"EC": "mon",
"EE": "mon",
"EG": "sat",
"ES": "mon",
"ET": "sun",
"FI": "mon",
"FJ": "mon",
"FO": "mon",
"FR": "mon",
"GB": "mon",
"GB-alt-variant": "sun",
"GE": "mon",
"GF": "mon",
"GP": "mon",
"GR": "mon",
"GT": "sun",
"GU": "sun",
"HK": "sun",
"HN": "sun",
"HR": "mon",
"HU": "mon",
"ID": "sun",
"IE": "mon",
"IL": "sun",
"IN": "sun",
"IQ": "sat",
"IR": "sat",
"IS": "mon",
"IT": "mon",
"JM": "sun",
"JO": "sat",
"JP": "sun",
"KE": "sun",
"KG": "mon",
"KH": "sun",
"KR": "sun",
"KW": "sat",
"KZ": "mon",
"LA": "sun",
"LB": "mon",
"LI": "mon",
"LK": "mon",
"LT": "mon",
"LU": "mon",
"LV": "mon",
"LY": "sat",
"MC": "mon",
"MD": "mon",
"ME": "mon",
"MH": "sun",
"MK": "mon",
"MM": "sun",
"MN": "mon",
"MO": "sun",
"MQ": "mon",
"MT": "sun",
"MV": "fri",
"MX": "sun",
"MY": "mon",
"MZ": "sun",
"NI": "sun",
"NL": "mon",
"NO": "mon",
"NP": "sun",
"NZ": "mon",
"OM": "sat",
"PA": "sun",
"PE": "sun",
"PH": "sun",
"PK": "sun",
"PL": "mon",
"PR": "sun",
"PT": "sun",
"PY": "sun",
"QA": "sat",
"RE": "mon",
"RO": "mon",
"RS": "mon",
"RU": "mon",
"SA": "sun",
"SD": "sat",
"SE": "mon",
"SG": "sun",
"SI": "mon",
"SK": "mon",
"SM": "mon",
"SV": "sun",
"SY": "sat",
"TH": "sun",
"TJ": "mon",
"TM": "mon",
"TR": "mon",
"TT": "sun",
"TW": "sun",
"UA": "mon",
"UM": "sun",
"US": "sun",
"UY": "mon",
"UZ": "mon",
"VA": "mon",
"VE": "sun",
"VI": "sun",
"VN": "mon",
"WS": "sun",
"XK": "mon",
"YE": "sun",
"ZA": "sun",
"ZW": "sun"

function smartNow(this: moment.Moment): moment.Moment;

export function asumeGlobalUtcMode(m: typeof moment, utcMode: boolean) {
if (utcMode) {
m.fn.fromUserInterface = function (this: moment.Moment) { return this.utc(); };
m.fn.toUserInterface = function (this: moment.Moment) { return this.local(); };
m.smartNow = function () { return moment.utc(); };

else {
m.fn.fromUserInterface = function (this: moment.Moment) { return this; };
m.fn.toUserInterface = function (this: moment.Moment) { return this; };
m.smartNow = function () { return moment(); };
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Signum.React/Scripts/Exceptions/Exception.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import * as React from 'react'
import * as moment from 'moment'
import { DateTime } from 'luxon'
import { BigStringEmbedded, ExceptionEntity } from '../Signum.Entities.Basics'
import { ValueLine, EntityLine, TypeContext } from '../Lines'
import { Tab, Tabs } from 'react-bootstrap';
Expand All @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ export default function Exception(p: { ctx: TypeContext<ExceptionEntity> }) {
<div className="row">
<div className="col-sm-6">
<ValueLine ctx={sc.subCtx(f => f.environment)} />
<ValueLine ctx={sc.subCtx(f => f.creationDate)} unitText={moment(sc.value.creationDate!).toUserInterface().fromNow()} />
<ValueLine ctx={sc.subCtx(f => f.creationDate)} unitText={DateTime.fromISO(sc.value.creationDate!).toRelative() ?? undefined} />
<EntityLine ctx={sc.subCtx(f => f.user)} />
<ValueLine ctx={sc.subCtx(f => f.version)} />
<ValueLine ctx={sc.subCtx(f => f.threadId)} />
Expand Down
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions Signum.React/Scripts/Finder.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import * as React from "react";
import * as moment from "moment"
import { DateTime } from 'luxon'
import numbro from "numbro"
import * as AppContext from "./AppContext"
import * as Navigator from "./Navigator"
Expand All @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import { TypeEntity, QueryEntity } from './Signum.Entities.Basics';

import {
Type, IType, EntityKind, QueryKey, getQueryNiceName, getQueryKey, isQueryDefined, TypeReference,
getTypeInfo, tryGetTypeInfos, getEnumInfo, toMomentFormat, toNumbroFormat, PseudoType, EntityData,
getTypeInfo, tryGetTypeInfos, getEnumInfo, toLuxonFormat, toNumbroFormat, PseudoType, EntityData,
TypeInfo, PropertyRoute, QueryTokenString, getTypeInfos, tryGetTypeInfo, onReloadTypesActions
} from './Reflection';

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1602,8 +1602,8 @@ export const formatRules: FormatRule[] = [
name: "Date",
isApplicable: col => col.token!.filterType == "DateTime",
formatter: col => {
const momentFormat = toMomentFormat(col.token!.format);
return new CellFormatter((cell: string | undefined) => cell == undefined || cell == "" ? "" : <bdi className="date">{moment(cell).format(momentFormat)}</bdi>) //To avoid flippig hour and date (L LT) in RTL cultures
const luxonFormat = toLuxonFormat(col.token!.format);
return new CellFormatter((cell: string | undefined) => cell == undefined || cell == "" ? "" : <bdi className="date">{DateTime.fromISO(cell).toFormat(luxonFormat)}</bdi>) //To avoid flippig hour and date (L LT) in RTL cultures
Expand All @@ -1618,7 +1618,7 @@ export const formatRules: FormatRule[] = [
ctx.systemTime && ctx.systemTime.mode == "Between" && ctx.systemTime.startDate! < cell ? "date-created" :

return <bdi className={classes("date", className)}>{moment(cell).format("YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss")}</bdi>; //To avoid flippig hour and date (L LT) in RTL cultures
return <bdi className={classes("date", className)}>{DateTime.fromISO(cell).toFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss")}</bdi>; //To avoid flippig hour and date (L LT) in RTL cultures
Expand All @@ -1634,7 +1634,7 @@ export const formatRules: FormatRule[] = [
ctx.systemTime && ctx.systemTime.mode == "Between" && cell < ctx.systemTime.endDate! ? "date-removed" :

return <bdi className={classes("date", className)}>{moment(cell).format("YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss")}</bdi>; //To avoid flippig hour and date (L LT) in RTL cultures
return <bdi className={classes("date", className)}>{DateTime.fromISO(cell).toFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss")}</bdi>; //To avoid flippig hour and date (L LT) in RTL cultures
Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions Signum.React/Scripts/Frames/VersionChangedAlert.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import * as React from 'react'
import * as moment from 'moment'
import { DateTime } from 'luxon'
import { classes } from '../Globals'
import { VersionFilter } from '../Services'
import { ConnectionMessage } from '../Signum.Entities';
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -54,13 +54,13 @@ export function VersionInfo() {

function VersionInfoTooltip(p: {}) {

var bt = moment(VersionFilter.initialBuildTime!);
var bt = DateTime.fromISO(VersionFilter.initialBuildTime!);

return (
<div style={{ whiteSpace: "nowrap" }}>
<br />
Expand Down

1 comment on commit b209617

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Replace moment.js by luxon

Momen.js is no considered legacy by its own author and they recommend luxon as the best alternative.

Some advantages:

  • Luxon API is immutable and called DateTime, very similar to .Net DateTime.
  • The API is in general more clear and explicit. Here a comparison
  • Luxon API relies on the native Intl.DateTimeFormat, implemented by even IE 11, so doesn't have to implement all the translations.

How to migrate

Check this commit in Southwind signumsoftware/southwind@0fd8bcf

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