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Developers README
bill-auger edited this page Oct 21, 2014
1 revision
ATTN: ADMINS - plz review these and/or add your own - following are some reasonable suggestions i would reccommend for keeping the project on track -->
- be DRY and OOP where ever possible
- use ruby code conventions (two space indents, underscore variable names , question mark boolean methods, etc)
- all rspec and cucumber tests should be passing green before commtting
- there should exist tests excersizing all new functionality
- the first line of commit messages should generally be brief and concise (< ~60 characters)
- commits bulding toward distinct features should be in separate pull requests (use feature branches)
- it should be clear from the extended commit message and pull request discussion as to which feature each commit is bulding toward
- write a minimal ~/.ppcoin/ppcoin.conf
mkdir ~/.ppcoin
echo "testnet=1" > ~/.ppcoin/ppcoin.conf
echo "listen=1" >> ~/.ppcoin/ppcoin.conf
echo "server=1" >> ~/.ppcoin/ppcoin.conf
echo "rpcuser=rpcuser" >> ~/.ppcoin/ppcoin.conf
echo "rpcpassword=rpcpassword" >> ~/.ppcoin/ppcoin.conf
- download, extract, and execute the ppcoin daemon as described on the ppcoin github wiki
tar -xzf ./ppcoin-0.4.0-linux.tar.gz
./ppcoin-0.4.0-linux/bin/`getconf LONG_BIT`/ppcoind
- fork this repo on github and clone your fork
git clone
cd ./peer4commit
- copy the config skeletons
cp ./config/config.yml.sample ./config/config.yml
cp ./config/database.yml.sample ./config/database.yml
edit the :username and :password associations of the :daemon hash in config/config.yml to match those in ppcoin.conf - NOTE: this is the bare minimum setup for front-end maintentnce - you will need to edit much more of this file if you plan to work on features such as registrations , github hooks , transactions , notifications , etc
to allow registrations without configuring the mailer you can comment out the devise :confirmable module requirement in app/models/user.rb (be sure to uncomment it again before you commit)
# devise :confirmable, reconfirmable: true
- setup the rails environmaent (NOTE: Gemfile is currently requiring ruby 2.0.0)
bundle install --without production
bundle exec rake db:migrate
bundle exec rake db:test:prepare
- all rspec and cucumber tests should be passing green - open an issue if they are not
bundle exec rake spec
bundle exec rake cucumber