This is a demo django project to show the use of allauth to create and manage authentication. It also uses slate(the famous static api documentation UI) and lastly it uses Razorpay payment gateway integration.
Django allauth is a very nice django package for authentication.
You can find more about it here
Slate helps in making beautiful static documentation for your API. It is very cool.
You can find more about it here
Razorpay is a very nice and very very easy to use payment gateway for India.
You can find more about it here
It also uses the django-grappelli package which makes the django admin site look very cool. You can find more about it here
Used basic registration bootstrap template from
- Clone the project or download the zip.
- Make a virtual environment( Helps you keep the global system-wide packages
and local project-wise packages seperate ) - Go to and put your database connection variables. Also add EMAIL_HOST,
EMAIL_HOST_USER, EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD of the SMTP server you have chosen or simply
remove all email variables except EMAIL_BACKEND to show test email in cmd/terminal. Also add your RAZOR_KEY_ID and RAZOR_KEY_SECRET after registering at Razorpay. - Now run commands:-
a. python makemigrations registerApp
b. python syncdb
c. python collectstatic - Now run the app by typing in "python runserver"
- Go to "localhost:8000" in your web-browser and this is the user registration page.
- You can login using localhost:8000/login
- You find other URL-patterns in the of both project and app.
NOTE: There might be some issues with the UI Templates and other stuff as well so, you can open an issue on this repository if you want to ask something from me/ need my help.