Tool to create payloads for exploiting ZipSlip Vulnerability
-h, --help Show this help message and exit
-i, --input PAYLOADFILE Payload File that has to be written/overwritten on target server
-o, --output OUTPUTFILE Output File Name
-d, --depth DEPTH. Depth of the Traversal [Default: 3]
-t, --type ARCHIVETYPE File Type - zip,tar,gz,tgz,bz2,jar (Default: tar)
-p, --path PATH Path to append to the traversal. Ex: var/www/webroot
--dir DIR Adds All files in the provided Directory to the archive
--os TARGETOS Target Platform (win|unix) [Default:unix)
-ex, --example Show Usage Examples
zipslip-007 -i payload.txt -o exploit.tar -d 3 -dir includeFiles/ -p "var/www/webroot/" -t tar
zipslip-007 -i payload.txt -o exploit.tar -d 3 -dir includeFiles/ -p "var/www/webroot/" -t bz2