Converts a List Of URLS to Swagger 2.0 Format.
urlsToSwagger-007 -i urls.txt -t "myProject" -u "" -p "https" -o swagger.json
-i --input INPUTFILE --> File containing the list of URLs along with its HttpMethod
-t --title TITLE --> Title of the swagger
-u --host --> HostName Without http/https
-p --protocol PROTOCOL --> Protocol/Scheme [http or https]
-o --output FILENAME --> Output Filename
-v, --verbose --> Disable Vervose mode (Don't Print on Terminal)
1)Basic --> GET:/api/v2/test
> urlsToSwagger-007 -i urls.txt -t "myProject" -u "" -p "https" -o swagger.json
2)Urls With Protocol --> GET:
> urlsToSwagger-007 -i urls.txt -t "myProject" -u "" -p "https" -o swagger.json -f
3)With Different Delimiter --> GET
> urlsToSwagger-007 -i urls.txt -t "myProject" -u "" -p "https" -d " " -o swagger.json
4)For any other format modify the getAPIList() method accordingly.