2020 May 24
For the files listed under the list file_names
.. this code combines all the files into the final file
.. the output file will be named index.html
.. run with python
.. this will combine all the html codes into index.html
.. .. that can be used as a static code
1. Make sure the name of files in the list appears in the order they are needed
2. Make sure that head.html contains all the heading portions as well as the opening
.. tag of body
3. Body tag is close in file tail.html
4. Any runnable script should be placed in the tail.html file
5. The goal is to have a single html file that combines all the separate html files
6. Make a list of all the filenames at the start of body section. This should link
.. to the respective section of the descrition later
Alternate link for project is found at