In order to deploy the complete demo infrastructure for demonstrating Microservices, CI/CD, agile integrations and more, either order the demo via RHPDS or use the following script to provision the demo on any OpenShift environment:
The following imagestreams should be installed on OpenShift:
oc login -u system:admin
oc create -n openshift -f
oc create -n openshift -f
oc create -n openshift -f
oc create -n openshift -f
oc create -n openshift -f
oc create -n openshift -f
oc create -n openshift -f
oc create -n openshift -f
- Install Ansible
- Run the playbooks
$ git clone
$ cd openshift-demos-ansible
$ git checkout ocp-3.10
$ oc login http://openshiftmaster
$ ansible-galaxy install -r playbooks/coolstore/requirements.yml
$ ansible-playbook playbooks/coolstore/msa-cicd-eap-min.yml
- Install Docker
- Run the playbooks
$ oc login http://openshiftmaster
$ docker run --rm -it siamaksade/openshift-demos-ansible:ocp-3.10 playbooks/coolstore/msa-cicd-eap-min.yml \
-e "openshift_master=$(oc whoami --show-server)" \
-e "oc_token=$(oc whoami -t)"
The provided templates creates an OpenShift Job to run the Ansible playbooks. Check out the template for the complete list of parameters available.
$ oc login -u system:admin
$ oc new-project demo-installer
$ oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-admin system:serviceaccount:demo-installer:default
$ oc new-app -f helpers/coolstore-ansible-installer.yaml \
--param=DEMO_NAME=msa-full \
--param=PROJECT_ADMIN=developer \
$ oc logs -f jobs/coolstore-ansible-installer
CoolStore Demo
Demo repository:
Playbook | Description | Memory | CPU |
coolstore/msa-min.yml | Deploys CoolStore with min required services | 4 GB | 1 cores |
coolstore/msa-full.yml | Deploys CoolStore with all services | 8 GB | 2 cores |
coolstore/msa-cicd-eap-min.yml | Deploys CoolStore with CI/CD and min services (Dev-Prod) | 8 GB | 2 cores |
coolstore/msa-cicd-eap-full.yml | Deploys CoolStore with CI/CD and all services (Dev-Test-Prod) | 20 GB | 8 cores |
coolstore/undeploy.yml | Delete the demo | - | - |
Monolith CI/CD Demo
Demo repisotory:
Playbook | Description | Memory | CPU |
cd/deploy.yml | Deploys Monolith CI/CD demo | 8 GB | 2 cores |
cd/undeploy.yml | Delete the demo | - | - |
You can modify the playbooks behavior by specifying extra variables
$ ansible-playbook demos/coolstore/msa-min.yml -e "github_ref=stable-ocp-3.10 ephemeral=true project_suffix=demo1"
Variable | Default | Description |
openshift_master |
none | OpenShift master url. Not required if playbooks run on a host that is already authenticated to OpenShift |
oc_token |
none | Authentication token for OpenShift. Not required if playbooks run on a host that is already authenticated to OpenShift |
oc_kube_config |
none | Path to .kube config if not using the default |
project_suffix |
demo | A suffix to be added to all project names e.g. cicd-demo |
ephemeral |
false | If set to true, all pods will be deployed without persistent storage |
maven_mirror_url |
false | Maven repository for Java S2I builds. If empty, Sonatype Nexus gets deployed and used |
github_account |
master | GitHub account to deploy from in forked:[github-account]/coolstore-microservice |
github_ref |
master | GitHub branch to deploy from: |
project_admin |
none | OpenShift user to be assigned as the project admin. Default is the logged-in user |
deploy_guides |
true | Deploy demo guides as a pod in the CI/CD project |
For a list of all options, check demo variables