University of Pennsylvania, ESE 5190: Intro to Embedded Systems, Lab 1
Shu Xu
Lab 1 submission
Tested on: Windows 10
This lab was completed late since this student has not obtained the
lab equipment until the due date (Sep 23rd). The new hard due date is
set to be Sep 30th.
Overview for custom visualizer from 4.4
In part 4.4, a Morse code Decoder is constructed by reading the gesture
movement right/left/up/down as dot/dash/enter/backspace. Then the
corresponding letter/action key will be pressed on PC keyboard.
In this system, a dictionary of Morse code, named 'Morse_dict' is used
to select the letters based on input gestures. A str variable named
'code' is used to store the input dots/dashes, which will be cleared
once the enter/backspace action is triggered.
The diagram of this embedded system is shown as below: