In this project tools and techniques are yoused in order to find the Lane Lines on the Road . Series of Image are transfered in to a pipline in order to get the expected output
You can see the Documentation of the below projct on Udacit site
- python
- numpy
- matplotlib
- moviepy
- IPython
- Anaconda (VM)
- IDE (Jupyter , PyCharm, IDLE)
You will find Project Udacity_Projec folder
@Where the main magic is hidden (code) outputV is the folder where you will find the three mp4 video "Challenge.mp4, solidWhiteRight, solidYellowLeft" having correct result for solidWhiteRight and solidYellowLeft, but the third video correction and error handling is under progress
yet to be Licensed, but till then it's open source,
Github repo link :-
comamnd to colone the master branch :-git clone
Challenge video is yet return the true result and it's under progress