GraphQL Playground is an interactive development environment for making GraphQL requests. It goes beyond the traditional GraphiQL tool, providing enhanced features and capabilities.
- Authorization and authentication capabilities, ensuring access to the tool is restricted to authorized users.
- Ability to work with a user-specified open GraphQL endpoint.
- User-friendly interface for seamless navigation and enhanced user experience.
- Robust authentication and authorization for secure account management.
- Interactive GraphiQL page with advanced features.
To get started follow the instructions below for installation and usage.
- Clone this repo:
git clone
- Install project dependencies:
npm install
npm run dev
This command will start dev server and you can access the app at http://localhost:3000 in your browser.
- dev: Starts the development server.
- build: Builds the project using TypeScript and Vite.
- lint: Lints the TypeScript and TypeScript React files using ESLint.
- lint-fix: Lints and automatically fixes the TypeScript and TypeScript React files using ESLint.
- preview: Opens a preview of the project using Vite.
- prettier: Applies Prettier formatting to the entire project.
- eslint: Fixes ESLint issues in TypeScript and TypeScript React files.
- test: Runs unit tests using Vitest.
- coverage: Runs unit tests with coverage using Vitest and C8 coverage provider.
- prepare: Installs Husky pre-commit hooks for ESLint.