Fully reactive shop cart REST API micro-service.
Also see the related projects:
Allows to add an Item at once to the Cart. Keeps items in the Cart in the current session.
Allows to list cart's items.
- Enable annotation processors (in your IDE for lombok)
- Reactive Layers architecture (spring-framework reactor).
- Java non-blocking functional programming: reactor+streams.
- REST API with Spring-WebFlux.
- BeanValidation implementation.
- Reactive junit tests.
- Integration test.
- Basic auth security implementation & csrf.
- Sonar gradle plugin
- you can run Sonarqube gradle task if you have sonar installed on localhost:9000
- or see the Sonarcloud.io dashboard for this project (through travis-ci integration).
- Run ShopCartApp as a spring-boot app:
- command line:
gradlew :bootRun
- intellij: right button on
& Run...
- command line:
docker system prune
#build & run image
docker build -t techtests/shopcart .
docker run -p 8080:8080 -t techtests/shopcart
curl -v -b cookies.txt -c cookies.txt -u user:user -d '{"item": {"id": 1,"name": "product4"}}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost:8080/cart/add
curl -v -b cookies.txt -c cookies.txt -u user:user http://localhost:8080/cart/list
- Use
(importing the json file in Postman client):add
: to add an item to the cartlist
: to see all items in the cart
Create a token for this project: https://sonarcloud.io/account/security/
Encrypt key (in project folder)
travis encrypt --pro <keyCreatedInSonarCloud>
Original/thin generated jars:
-rwxrwxrwx 1 slks slks 19683502 mar 15 09:13 shopCart-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
-rwxrwxrwx 1 slks slks 25610 mar 15 16:55 build/libs/shopCart-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Original/thin docker image (techtests/shopcart): 125MB/105MB
Using FROM openjdk:8-jre-alpine
(instead of FROM openjdk:8-jdk-alpine
) final size: 84.9MB
This is not a solution as it generates a bigger image
docker build -f Dockerfile-optimized -t techtests/shopcart-optimized .
docker images | grep techtests/shopcart
Generated images:
$ docker images | grep techtests/shopcart
techtests/shopcart latest 36234d830c12 14 hours ago 125MB
techtests/shopcart-optimized latest 3e22c1446dd8 15 hours ago 151MB
Compile, publish to docker and deploy to kubernetes
./publishToDocker.sh && bash -c '../kubernetes/publish.sh $0' cart