This module is discontinued. It will not be developed any further.
We recommend using Mikesch-mp/icingaweb2-module-grafana instead, which has more features and is under active development. Note that the configuration differs, although it follows the same general idea.
Insert Grafana graphs into Icinga Web 2 to display performance metrics.
Just extract this to your Icinga Web 2 module folder in a folder called grafana.
(Configuration -> Modules -> grafana -> enable).
There are various configuration settings to tweak how the module behaves.
Comma-separated list of checks for which graphing is supported. You must also
manually create the graph in Grafana and specifiy the dashboard and a panel ID
(see below) to make the graph work.
- Example 'remote_ping4, remote_ping6, load, memory'
- Default empty list
The name of the dashboard to use for the check.
The panel ID to use for the check.
Graph height in pixels.
- Default 280
Host name of the Grafana server.
- Default ''
Comma-separated list of checks which are parametrized. The module expects the
check name to have the format "$check $parameter" (with a space separating the
two). The graph URL will get the query parameter "var-$check=$parameter", which
works with Grafana's template feature.
- Example 'disk, http'
- Default empty list
The HTTP Basic Auth password used to access Grafana. You must also specify
a username.
- Default empty string
Protocol used to access Grafana.
- Default 'https'
The HTTP Basic Auth user name used to access Grafana.
- Default empty string
Graph width in pixels.
- Default 640
This is a complete example configuration, to be put in /etc/icingaweb2/modules/grafana/config.ini
username = "admin"
password = "..."
host = ""
graphs = "remote_ping4, remote_ping6, load, memory, procs, users, disk, mailq"
graphs.remote_ping4.dashboard = "base-metrics"
graphs.remote_ping4.panel = 1
graphs.remote_ping6.dashboard = "base-metrics"
graphs.remote_ping6.panel = 1
graphs.load.dashboard = "base-metrics"
graphs.load.panel = 2
graphs.memory.dashboard = "base-metrics"
graphs.memory.panel = 3
graphs.procs.dashboard = "base-metrics"
graphs.procs.panel = 4
graphs.users.dashboard = "base-metrics"
graphs.users.panel = 5
graphs.disk.dashboard = "base-metrics"
graphs.disk.panel = 6
graphs.mailq.dashboard = "base-metrics"
graphs.mailq.panel = 9
parametrized = "disk"
This module borrows a lot from