Split your PHPStan baseline into multiple files, one per error identifier:
├─ loader.neon
├─ empty.notAllowed.neon
├─ foreach.nonIterable.neon
├─ identical.alwaysFalse.neon
└─ if.condNotBoolean.neon
Each file looks like this:
# total 1 error
message: '#^Construct empty\(\) is not allowed\. Use more strict comparison\.$#'
path: ../app/index.php
count: 1
composer require --dev shipmonk/phpstan-baseline-per-identifier
This usage is available since version 2.0. See legacy usage below if you are still using PHPStan 1.x
Remove old single baseline include:
- - phpstan-baseline.neon
Run native baseline generation and split it into multiple files via our script (other baseline files will be placed beside the loader):
vendor/bin/phpstan --generate-baseline=baselines/loader.neon && vendor/bin/split-phpstan-baseline baselines/loader.neon
Setup the baselines loader:
# phpstan.neon.dist
- baselines/loader.neon
(optional) You can simplify generation with e.g. composer script:
"scripts": {
"generate:baseline:phpstan": [
"phpstan --generate-baseline=baselines/loader.neon",
"find baselines/ -type f -not -name loader.neon -delete",
"split-phpstan-baseline baselines/loader.neon"
This usage is deprecated since 2.0, but it works in all versions. Downside is that it cannot utilize result cache
Setup where your baseline files should be stored and include its loader:
# phpstan.neon.dist
- vendor/shipmonk/phpstan-baseline-per-identifier/extension.neon # or use extension-installer
- baselines/loader.neon
directory: %currentWorkingDirectory%/baselines
indent: ' '
Prepare composer script to simplify generation:
"scripts": {
"generate:baseline:phpstan": [
"rm baselines/*.neon",
"touch baselines/loader.neon",
"phpstan analyse --error-format baselinePerIdentifier"
to use tabs as indents in generated neon files
- If the loader file extension is php, the generated files will be php files as well