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Xianpeng Shen's Blog

Test and SonarScan CodeQL Quality Gate CII Best Practices Website Netlify Status

微信公众号「DevOps攻城狮」- 专注于分享CI/CD、DevOps领域知识。


Share knowledge in the fields of CI/CD and DevOps. Blog URL:

If you find any mistakes or questions, please don't hesitate to ask via issues.

Start web with Docker

git clone
cd blog
docker compose up -d

Start web on host


git clone
cd blog
sudo make deps  # Install dependencies

Build and run

make server     # Start server
make help       # Help for make

Create and publish new post

Posts are saved by folder, with the hierarchy of year/month.

Creating a post with the following steps:

  1. Running command hexo new "post"(the post name MUST lowercase) can generate under source/_drafts
  2. Then update, and fields such as tags, categories or author
  3. Once it's ready to post, move to source/_post/2022/01/ and run hexo s to see how it looks like

If some all look good, push your changes to the remote repository, and CI will publish it automatically 🚀

A new commit will be pushed to the blog static files repository

Format tools

Format tools for publishing to other medium platforms


GPL-3.0 © Hexo

署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享 3.0 中国大陆 (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 CN)

Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 China Mainland (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 CN)