This role will attempt to deliver a customized Jenkins; there is no difference from the "regular Vanilla Jenkins" except for it's built in configurations ...
I hope this role will not be too opinionated ;) ...
P.S I couldn;t of chosen a better icon/log myself ;) - Credits to -> masanobu imai
Automate everything !
- Stable version(s) - both package version [ Implemented ] and plugin [ Still WIP ]
- Plugins
- Authentication & Authorization [ Matrix || Github Auth || LDAP || Active Directory ]
- 3rd party integrations such as:
- Git (hub || lab || bitucket || Gerrit),
- Artifact repo [ Artifactory || Nexus ],
- Tools [ JDK's || NPM || Others ...] etc etc,
- some still [WIP] ...
- Proxy configuration for plugin and rpm/apt caching { seperate machine || corporate proxy }
- All configuration are perfromed either via the CLI / Groovy interface { init.groovy directory | cli groovy input } - avoid copying files into jenkins home and restarting in case api changes between releases.
- For demo purposes insert a seed DSL groovy script and trigger it.
- Optionally use Jenkins Material Theme
Java 1.8_x
- Use latest-LTS and fix version to 2.32 [ which is the latest LTS release ]
- Admin users [ "admin", "jjb" ] with corresponding passwords - recommended to use Ansible vault for this
- 'Regular' users users [ "user1", "user2" ] with corresponding passwords (as mentioned probebly move th LDAP | Github auth in the near future)
- Matrix Authorization Strategy (More to come ...), granting admin users overall admin privileges and Overall Read for regular users and anonymous
- "Wizard" plugins - the default plugins you would install following the Jenkins 2.x startup wizard
- "Goodies" plugins - stuff like Greenballs (who dosen't use green balls ha ?!)
- Jenkins proxy - disabled by default
- [Still WIP] SSH Authorization - this is a prep for adding an ssh key via vault so we can start with git clone at the end of the play - see
it will reject an existing key if present in~jenkins/.ssh
cj_http_port: 8080
- https support when added will be done via nginx / apache2cj_channel: latest-LTS
- this controls what repository will the rpm/qpt be taken from see thevars/{{ ansible_os_family }}.yml
to see the urls.cj_version: '23.2'
- this controls what version to use -- please note this overrides the latest v.s latest-LTS ... considering the download base url for Latest & LTS is the same ...cj_application_context: ''
- defaults to none which is reallyhttp://jenkins-host/
change it to your liking ...- Jenkins directories used thought the role
cj_home: /var/lib/jenkins # the default home directory just like the apt/rpm
cj_log_dir: /var/log/jenkins # default log file
cj_cache_dir: /var/cache/jenkins # cache directory { used to focus on jenkins-cli.jar
cj_init_dir: "{{ cj_home }}/init.groovy.d" # post installation scripts go here
cj_update_dir: "{{ cj_home }}/updates" # goes here
cj_webroot: /var/cache/jenkins/war #
cj_plugins_tmp_folder: /tmp/plugins # will probebly be removed in next release { still figuring out offline instllation }
- Set jenkins configuration [ I used the squid proxy role]
cj_set_proxy: false
cj_proxy_host: "{{ proxy_server }}"
cj_proxy_port: "{{ proxy_port |d('3148') }}"
#cj_no_proxy_hosts: will be set in tasks
cj_proxy_conf_file: "{{ cj_home }}/proxy.xml"
# in case we want to test jenkins without a proxy when cj_set_proxy is set to true
cj_remove_proxy: false
- Disable the startup wizard (I will install these plugins anyway later on)
cj_run_startup_wizard: "false" # String becuase the jvm arg becomes False ...
cj_jvm_args: "-Djava.awt.headless=true -Djenkins.install.runSetupWizard={{ cj_run_startup_wizard }}"
cj_cmd_args: "--webroot={{ cj_webroot }} --httpPort={{ cj_http_port }}"
- DEPRECATED / USE AT OWN RISK - running jenkins as a different user, this will probebly still work so I did not throw away a couple of hours of work ...
# The system level user Jenkins should runas
cj_runas: false
#cj_custom_user: user
#cj_custom_group: user
cj_runas_user: "{{ cj_custom_user | d('jenkins') }}"
cj_runas_group: "{{ cj_custom_group | d('jenkins') }}"
cj_runas_sudoer: true
- Authorization strategy basic - used to populate / generate the
file inserted intoinit.groovy.d
cj_allow_anon_read: true
cj_basic_auth: true
- { username: admin, password: admin }
- { username: jjb, password: jjb }
- { username: user1, password: user1 }
- { username: user2, password: user2 }
- jenkins-cli related - most plugin ops are done via CLI so basically you can perfrom these remotely or via Docker running jenkins (same goes for groovy scripts metioned above)
cj_cli_jar_location: "{{ cj_cache_dir }}/war/WEB-INF/jenkins-cli.jar"`
cj_cli_hostname: 'localhost'
- Jenkins material theme
# could be: red, pink, purple, deep-purple see full list @ ->
cj_theme_color: amber
cj_theme_conf_file: org.codefirst.SimpleThemeDecorator.xml
cj_theme_css_url:{{ cj_theme_color }}.css
- Jenkins plugin sets ... this still needs some work, this is the begining which will change based on requirements
# choose plugin sets to use
cj_wizard: true
cj_theme: true
cj_setup_matrix_auth_strategy: true
cj_setup_dsl_plugins: true
cj_goodies: true
- Jenkins short see job demo:
cj_seed_demo: true # this will probebly be set to false upon release
- Jenkins plugin lists - this is also a preparation for offline installation mode - as an example:
- { name: "bouncycastle-api", version: "2.16.0", enabled: "true", extention: "hpi" }
- { name: "cloudbees-folder", version: "5.15", enabled: "true", extention: "hpi" }
- ...
- { name: "greenballs" }
See also the vars\RedHat.yml
and vars\Debian.yml
files for custom vars suach as package requirements
Java 1.8 I used the following ansible role:
- src:
version: 2.9.0
name: oracle-java
See requirements.yml attached to this repo
Full featured + proxy -> end of play should result with http://custom-jenkins:8080/ login with admin/admin (or jjb/jjb, user1/user1 etc):
- hosts: custom-jenkins
become: true
cj_set_proxy: true # could be any proxy [tested with squid]
proxy_server: "" # the custom proxy IP|hostname
noproxy_hosts: # what not to proxy ...
- ''
- '172.16.1.*'
- role: squid # set proxy client for apt/yum (more to come)
squid_server_mode: false
- role: oracle-java # install java 1.8
- role: epel # redundent ...
- role: git # always comes in handy
- role: ansible-role-custom-jenkins # this role ...
#- role: jenkins-populate-jobs # planned adding your own jobs via seperate addon role [ WIP see `tasks/cj-seed.yml` as a starting point ]
Custom Jenkins - disable defaults:
- hosts: custom-jenkins
become: true
- role: oracle-java # install java 1.8
- role: ansible-role-custom-jenkins # this role ...
cj_allow_anon_read: false # no anonymous read !
cj_basic_auth: false # no authentication !
cj_theme: false # stay with classic jenkins ui
Custom Jenkins - set version to install:
- hosts: custom-jenkins
become: true
- role: oracle-java # install java 1.8
- role: ansible-role-custom-jenkins # this role ...
cj_version: '2.37' # this could be an LTS / non LTS release version !
cj_basic_auth: false # no authentication !
cj_theme: false # stay with classic jenkins ui
Testing, Testing, Testing ...
- testing the different flows, and there are a few ...
Groovy Groovy Groovy: Basically anything you want done could be passed as a groovy script which is what I am aiming at the end see the example of
Add your script to the templates folder (toknized or not) and it will make it's way to Jenkins init ...
- name: "Generate groovy script for jenkins bootstrap execution"
src: "{{ item }}.j2"
dest: "{{ cj_init_dir }}/{{ item }}"
owner: "{{ cj_runas_user}}"
group: "{{ cj_runas_group }}"
notify: "service jenkins restart"
- basic-security.groovy
- your script goes here ...
- Adding a new plugin set:
- Manually install plugins ... on the Jenkins master run the following command:
java -jar /var/cache/jenkins/war/WEB-INF/jenkins-cli.jar -s http://localhost:8080 list-plugins \
| awk '{print $1, $NF;}' \
| awk -F " " ' {print " - { name: \""$1 "\","" version: \"" $2 "\", enabled: \"true\" }"} '
The returned list will be formed like so:
- { name: "bouncycastle-api", version: "2.16.0", enabled: "true", extention: "hpi" }
- Add a new plugin set variable such as:
as the list name with your plugin list like so indefaults/main.yml
like so:
- { name: "my-cool-plugin", version: "some_ver", enabled: "true", extention: "hpi" }
Add a boolean "controller | feature toggle" variable such as: cj_cool_plugin_set_enabled: true | false
Merge the plugin lists in
like so:
- name: "merge plugin lists -> jenkins cool plugins"
cj_plugins: "{{ cj_plugins + cj_cool_plugin_set_enabled }}"
when: (cj_cool_plugin_set_enabled is defined) and (cj_cool_plugin_set_enabled | bool)
- Finding a way for offline installation and dependecney resolution between plugins
An optional section for the role authors to include contact information, or a website (HTML is not allowed).