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sheetal358 edited this page Feb 8, 2021 · 1 revision

Welcome to the Coronavirus-WebScraper-Voice-Assistant wiki!

In this project I built a Covid-19 Voice assistant using Python. This Project makes use of a tool called ParseHub which is free for WebScraping.

Requirements for this project


  1. requests
  2. json
  3. pyttsx3
  4. SpeechRecognition
  5. Multithreading

I used multithreading library to ensure that the voice assistant is running on 1 thread & the updating of data takes place parallely on another.

How to use

Once the program starts, you can ask the voice assistant any question about covid-19 cases/deaths anywhere in the world or in a particular country. The data can be updated by asking the program to update using voice command "update", it may take a few minutes. The program can be stopped by using voice command "stop".

Link for the tool=""