Simple-PHP-Unit-Test library generate a simple unit test report after testing your methods with different types of variables and inputs.
PHP v7
Include and initialize the library on your file.
$test = new Test();
Include and initialize your class to test it's method. As for a reference I have added a small Data class in classes/Data.class.php So we are going to use it for reference, you can also check/run tests.php file
$data = new Data();
Now were going to test $data->validateFileEncoding() method Check the following for parameter details
* @param class $class class of which method to be tested
* @param string $method name of method of the class
* @param string $expectedOutput output that is expected
* @param int $numberOfParams number of params in method. Default: 1
* @param array $additionalData additional data to test. (optional)
Now we will test our method.
$test->result( $data, 'validateFileEncoding', 'boolean', '1' );
Once Run it will show results like following and also check unit_test_results.html
Testing Data->validateFileEncoding()
Expected Output: boolean
Input Type: string
Input Data: This is a string data.
Result: boolean
Input Type: int
Input Data: 1
Result: boolean
Input Type: int
Input Data: 0
Result: boolean
Input Type: float
Input Data: 2
Result: boolean
Input Type: array
Input Data: array(0) {
Result: boolean
Input Type: boolean
Input Data: 1
Result: boolean
Input Type: boolean
Input Data:
Result: boolean
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