Generates Newton-Fractals(Curves that are non-differentiable at every point) using Mandelbrot algorithm.
This version is mainly tested on Ubuntu.
- Install g++
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install g++
- Install SFML library
There are three ways to install SFML library:
- Using package manager
$ sudo apt-get install libsfml-dev
- Download the SDK
Download the SDK from the download page, unpack it and copy the files to your preferred location: either a separate path in your personal folder (like /home/me/sfml), or a standard path (like /usr/local).
- Building SFML yourself
If you want to go this way, there's a dedicated tutorial on building SFML yourself.
- Download (clone) this repository
- In main.cpp, define the desired fractal preset you want to see
- Type 'make' in your terminal (without quotes)
- Type './exec.out' in your terminal (again, without quotes)
- Enjoy the fractals
Check out the renderer in action: