This repository holds the source code for the MapSafe Geospatial Data Sovereignty tool. Feel free to raise any issue with the tool via the Issues Tab.
Mapsafe offers a complete approach to safeguarding geospatial data by obfuscating, encrypting and notarising it. These functions run client-side in the browser, meaning geospatial data never leaves the computer unprotected. Thereby, the tool creates a completely trustless mechanism for sharing sensitive data.
The paper on the tool, "MapSafe: A complete tool for achieving geospatial data sovereignty," was published in the Transactions in GIS Journal.
Full guide to safeguarding:
Watch this video to learn how to safeguard your data, from start to finish!
Full guide to verification:
Watch this GIF to learn how to verify your data, from start to finish!
The various security functions are in these files:
- masking module is within "assets/js/xyz.js"
- hexagonal binning is within "assets/js/h3_binning.js" and "assets/js/h3_binning_verification.js"
- encryption module is within "assets/js/dstool.js"
- notarisation module is within "assets/js/blockchain_minting.js"