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Joone Hur edited this page Sep 27, 2013 · 17 revisions

This is a cheat sheet for building Chromium so you should read the full instructions at the link in each section.

Install deptools

The depot_tools package includes gclient, gcl, git-cl, repo, and others.

  1. Fetch depot_tools: git clone
  2. Add depot_tools to your PATH:
 $ export PATH="$PATH":`pwd`/depot_tools

Get Chromium code using git

 $ git config --global "My Name"
 $ git config --global "[email protected]"
 $ git config --global core.autocrlf false
 $ git config --global core.filemode false
 $ git config --global core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 1G 

 $ mkdir ~/git/chromium
 $ cd ~/git/chromium

 $ gclient config --spec 'solutions = [{u'"'"'managed'"'"': True, u'"'"'name'"'"': u'"'"'src'"'"', u'"'"'url'"'"': u'"'"''"'"', u'"'"'custom_deps'"'"': {}, u'"'"'deps_file'"'"': u'"'"'.DEPS.git'"'"', u'"'"'safesync_url'"'"': u'"'"''"'"', u'"'"'custom_vars'"'"': {u'"'"'webkit_rev'"'"': u'"'"''"'"'}}]'

Initial checkout

 $ fetch blink --nosvn=True

Updating the code

First you need to make sure you are in the master branch.

 $ cd src
 $ git checkout master
 $ git pull  (only chromium code)

If you want to update third party tools, use gclient sync

Updating can be extremely slow with a limited number of jobs, --jobs=16 helps make it less painful.

  gclient sync --jobs=16

Bootstrap notes for Ubuntu

  • Make sure your dependencies are up to date by running the script:
 $ cd ~/git/chromium/src
 $ sudo build/

Build chromium

 $ rm -rf out/Debug
 $ export GYP_GENERATORS='ninja'
 $ build/gyp_chromium -D component=shared_library
 $ ninja -C out/Debug chrome

Dealing with gcc warnings

By default we fail to build if there are any compiler warnings. If you're getting warnings, can't build because of that, but just want to get things done, you can specify -Dwerror= to turn that off:

Running Chromium

 $ cd ~/git/chromium/src
 $ out/Debug/chrome

Contributing your patches

 $ cd ~/git/chromium/src/third_party/WebKit
 $ git branch myChange
 $ git checkout myChange
 $ vi Source/WebCore/editing/FrameSelection.cpp  (editing)
 $ git commit
 $ git cl upload 

This will open your text editor. Write your patch description as follows:

We need to change the caret color according to the lightness of the background color. 
TEST=Follow the bug description.

Then, you will find suggested owners in the output of running "git cl upload". Add the suggested owners to the Reviewers field after clicking the Edit issue button.

Note: You should add your name & email into the AUTHORS file for your first patch.

Updating your patch

You can update your patch on an already uploaded CL by running "git cl upload" again, but sometimes it create a new issue. In this case, you need to run git cl issue as follows:

 $ git cl issue 14098003 (issue number)
 $ git cl upload

Running Layout Test

$ ninja -C ./ all_webkit DumpRenderTree
$ Xvfb :4 -screen 0 1024x768x24
src/third_party/WebKit$ DISPLAY=:4 Tools/Scripts/run-webkit-tests --debug

How to debug layout test

$ gdb --args /home/joone/git/chromium/src/out/Debug/content_shell --dump-render-tree --no-sandbox --single-
process fast/events/before-unload-returnValue.html
