An arcade game in Python3 (terminal-based), heavily inspired by Jetpack Joyride where the user controls the Mandalorian, and can move it up, forward, and backward, while collecting coins and fighting/dodging its enemies on the way.
- You control Mandalorian throughout his efforts (to save Yoda) by avoiding/ killing enemy beams, collecting points, and dodging magnets.
- Contact with the enemy can kill your Mandalorian.
- You have 5 lives for your Mando, getting killed 5 times will result in a GAME OVER.
- The Mandalorian can shoot bullets at the enemy beams.
- Destroying each beam adds 5 points to the score.
- The game lasts for 150 seconds, you have to kill all enemies (including the boss enemy dragon) in that time or you lose.
- Object Oriented Programming (OOP) Concepts (Inheritance, Polymorphism, Encapsulation, Abstraction)
- Gravity Jump and Fall
- Bullets and firebeams
- Score for coins and destroying beams
- Display Lives, Scores, Time Left on screen
- Colors
- Smart Boss (follow user)
- Complete Random Generation of Map
- Speed PowerUp for character
to run- W, A, D for jump, left, and right respectively
- Spacebar to activate shield
- F to fire bullet
- Q to quit