header-context is a microservice-friendly Play Framework library for capturing HTTP headers. They can then be accessed for logging or auditing purposes, or for use in subsequent downstream requests.
Configure the ContextPropagatingDispatcher via:
akka {
actor {
default-dispatcher = {
type = "uk.co.epsilontechnologies.headercarrier.HeaderPropagatingDispatcherConfigurator"
Based on some work by Yann Simon - http://yanns.github.io/blog/2014/05/04/slf4j-mapped-diagnostic-context-mdc-with-play-framework/
Capture headers by invoking:
Retrieve headers by invoking:
Use of ThreadLocal in an asynchronous application is not ideal. Context should really be passed and maintained explicitly. Ultimately, if your application requires a lot of state to be maintained and subsequently passed downstream via request headers, you might want to reconsider your solution.