Code for the SFCN model is taken from :
Paper: Accurate brain age prediction with lightweight deep neural networks
The code by default uses the age range [42, 82] and trains the outermost layer on the user provided data.
We currently use the whole T1 image.
Install following python packages:
- Pytorch/torch and torchvision (
- pandas (
- nilearn (
- matplotlib (
Install using requirements.txt:
Create a virtual enviornment and activate it
python -m venv ~/.venvs/cnn_env
source ~/.venvs/cnn_env/bin/activate -
Install from requirements.txt file
pip install -r requirements.txt
dl_brainage contains following folders and files:
brain_age: contains the parameters/weights file of model trained by Hang Peng (link above)
dp_model: contains the models (SFCN, resnet3d) and additional functions for loss and other utils (link above)
- This is main file for model training. It is also called by the train_script.submit script. It takes in 10 arguments:
: Path to the input file, a csv file with 2 required columns age and file_path (e.g. ixi_subject_list_train.csv: contains site, participant_id, age, sex and file_path)save_path
: Path to save resultssave_filename
: Output filename name prefix (multiple files will be created,
: Learning rate for optimizer, a small number e.g. 0.0001num_epochs
: Number of epochs for model trainingbatch_size
: Number of samples to be used in each batch, this also depends on the GPU memory usually ~3train_all_flag
: Define whether to train all the layers of the model or just the outermost layer (1 or 0)optimizer_name
: the optimizer to be used for training ('adam' or 'sgd')age_range
: Age range in the dataset used (eg: [42, 82])trained_weights
: Path to the pre-trained weights file
- This is the file to used to test the model. It is also called by test_script.submit. It takes 5 arguments:
: Path to the input file for testing, a csv file with 2 required columns age and file_path (e.g. ixi_subject_list_test.csv: contains site, participant_id, age, sex and file_path)save_path
: Path to save resultssave_filename
: Output filename name prefix (multiple files will be created, e.g._predictions.csv
: Age range in the dataset usedtrained_weights
: Path to the weights file for the trained model which you want to use to make predictions
- contains functions to train and test the model. Also, it contains SFCN_mod class which is modified version of SFCN which can be used to be train on data from any age range. This CNN model is used for training and testing.
- reads the input csv file (
) which contains subject information. Age and file_path are needed for the analysis. -
train_submit.submit: calls the script and submits the job to HT condor
train_submit.submit: calls the script and submits the job to HT condor
ixi_subject_list.csv: contains subject information (site, participant_id, age, sex and file_path) for the IXI dataset
get_train_test_csv: creates train and test csv files given an input file
ixi_subject_list_train.csv: contains subject information (site, participant_id, age, sex and file_path) for the IXI dataset for training
ixi_subject_list_test.csv: contains subject information (site, participant_id, age, sex and file_path for the IXI dataset for testing
- Pre-trained model: We can perform transfer learning starting with the a pre-trained model (trained on the UKB data) provided in the folder
. - New data: You will need to provide a file containing age and nifti file names to use, e.g.
. - The newly provided data is split into 75% train and 25% validation to detect when to stop training.
- You can also provide the age range to use, the pre-prained model used age range
You can execute the
with 10 arguments. For example:
python3 --input_file ./data/T1/ixi_fsl_bet_flirt_antsBC_train.csv --save_path ./results --save_filename test --learning_rate 0.0001 --num_epochs 240 --batch_size 3 --train_all_flag 0 --optimizer_name adam --age_range 42,82 --trained_weights ./brain_age/run_20190719_00_epoch_best_mae.p
In this case, the trained model and dictionary of checkpoint (
) will be saved in the results folder in dl_brainage directory
You can also submit this as a job to a cluster, e.g. using HTcondor for model training:
cd dl_brainage
condor_submit train_submit.submit
This runs the
with the 10 arguments mentioned above. You will need to change these arguments to your settings in the train_submit.submit
You can execute the
with 5 arguments. For example:
python3 --input_file ./data/T1/ixi_fsl_bet_flirt_antsBC_test.csv --save_path ./results --save_filename xx1 --age_range 42,82 --trained_weights ./brain_age/run_20190719_00_epoch_best_mae.p
In this case, the predictions for the test data and scatter plot between true age and predicted age (_predictions.csv
and _true_vs_pred.png
) will be saved in the results folder in dl_brainage directory
You can also submit it as a job to a cluster running HTcondor for model testing:
cd dl_brainage
condor_submit test_script.submit
This runs the
with the 5 arguments mentioned above. You will need to change these arguments in the test_script.submit