My name is Shakib and I am interested to learning English Language.
Since I began to read by self-study, I decided to collect some word
for myself. So I bought Oxford American Dictionary in the store and
see a software that I could find new word with definition inside it.
Then I researched about what word is useful to learn, that I found
'core of academic word' that it is about 600 word. Well I began to
find one by one of them ( inside windows ) and put in order, so that
I can print it out and then read them.
Of course I have learned many thing from the Internet and youtube and
other sites, So I decided to share these words on my github.
I am so sorry, if you see any mistakes in my writing, because I am
beginner in the writing.
Now I am working on 3000_oxford_words_with_definition. I hope to finish that soon