Looking for the framework agnostic version? Wanna build your own middleware? Try tenant!
$ npm i --save express-tenant
var Tenancy = require('express-tenant');
import { Tenancy, Tenant, Middleware } from 'tenant';
import Tenancy from 'tenant';
import Bluebird from 'bluebird';
let tenancy = new Tenancy({
middlewares = {},
tenantPath = 'tenant',
requestKey = 'ENV',
parse = requestParser,
defaultTenant: process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development',
tenants: {
production: convict({}), // use some library
staging: config, // a custom module
development: {}, // a plain object!?
middlewares: {
auth(config) {
return (req, res, next) => {
// Do some tenant specific stuff here
connections: {
// I apologize.
salesforce(config) {
let { username, hostname, password, token } = config.salesforce;
let conn = new jsforce.Connection({
loginUrl: hostname,
accessToken: token,
return Bluebird.fromCallback(cb => {
conn.login(username, password + token, cb);
// Less gross.
couch(config) {
return nano(config.couch.url);
// ...other tenanted connections
Alternatively you can add connections and tenants functionally
import { Tenancy, Tenant } from 'tenant';
let tenancy = new Tenancy();
let staging = new Tenant('staging', stagingConfig);
.connection('salesforce', (config) => {
return Promise.reject(new Error('Really? Still Salesforce?'));
.middleware('auth', (config) => (req, res, next) => next())
.middleware('proxy', (config) => (req, res, next) => next())
.tenant('production', prodConfig);
export default tenancy;
let secret = tenancy.tenant('production').config.sessionSecret;
let results = tenancy.tenant('staging').connection('couch')
.then(CouchDB => {
let Users = CouchDB.use('users');
return Users.list();
import tenancy from './lib/tenant';
import express from 'express';
let app = express();
// Must come before other tenant middlewares
// Uses tenanted middlewares
// tenant is available on the defined `tenantPath`
app.use((req, res, next) => {
.then(SF => {
params Object
new Tenancy({
// Path on the request object that the current tenant will be set.
tenantPath: 'tenant',
// Key that the default request parser looks for
requestKey: 'ENV',
// Request parser. Determines the tenant for a request
parse(key, req) {
if (!key) return;
return req.get(key)
|| req.get(`X-${key}`)
|| req.query[key]
|| req.query[key.toLowerCase()];
// Tenant configurations
tenants: {
staging: { /* Staging config */ }
// Tenanted middlewares
middlewares: {
auth(config) {
return (req, res, next) => next();
// Tenanted connections
connections: {
couch: function(config) {
return Promise.resolve('yay');
// Default tenant if none is provided
defaultTenant: process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development',
tenant Tenant
tenancy.tenant(new Tenant('staging', {}));
name String
Returns a tenant by the name or the default tenant if none is provided
name String
config Object
tenancy.tenant('staging', {});
name String
Key associated with a connection factory.
factory Function
Connection factories are functions with tenant configuration as the last argument. Connection factory function must return a promise, an object, or throw an error.
tenancy.connection('couch', function(config){
return nano(config.url);
Returns a tenanted middleware by the name.
name String
Key associated with a middleware factory.
factory Function
Middleware factories are functions with tenant configuration as the only argument. Middleware factory function must return an Express middleware.
tenancy.middleware('auth', function(config){
return passport.init(config.passport);
name String
Key used to retrieve this tenant
configuration Object
Configuration object that gets passed to connection factories.
connectionsMap Object
Key-Value pairs of connections names and factory methods
name String
Returns a promise that will resolve with the tenanted connection
Tenant name
Tenant configuration