Automation software to collect information about the rowing athletes of the Website of FISA (World Rowing) and the
CBR (Confederação de Remo Brasileira).
The goal is to make a collection of some information of these athletes, which will be used for academic purpose.
Further information about the institutions, you can find in the following links.
This project takes part of the following survey. The purpose of the survey is to analyze statically the age and physical characteristics of the rowing athletes.
- Title: "Idade Relative" ("Relative Age", english translation)
- Project developer: Mr. Sabadini de Lima, José Paulo
- Project coordenator: Prof. Dr. Massa, Marcelo
- Software developer: Mr. Serra Pereira, Fábio
- University: Universidade de São Paulo (University of Sao Paulo)
The data collected about the athletes are:
- Name
- Country of origin (only for internation athletes)
- Association club (only for national athletes)
- Birth date
- Category
- Height
- Weight
- Sex
The code was developed to be cross-platform between MACOS (Big Sur, newest version, date: 28/03/2021) and Windows 10.
The code was developed in Python 3.9 version, and it needs a small correction to work between the boths platforms, which is specify the
chrome automation driver, in the variable Chrome Driver.
The following tools and software are required to work without problem
- Python 3.9.2
- Browser Chrome of Google
- Selenium 3.141.0
- Openpyxl 3.0.7
- run to get the data from CBR Website (Login and password must be indicated)
- run to get the data from FISA Website
Following the legislation of protection of data, the collected data will be used anonymous for future publication. The data won't be used to expose the athletes for any kind of religiously, sexual, sexiness, racial or any other kind of injury. Furthermore, the data collected were used with permissions of the mentioned institutions.
P.S.: Due to data protection this repository was changed to avoid sigilous data beeing available in the internet.