Inspired by the #Growlab contest, initiated by Alex Ellis
This repo contains an application, intended to be installed on the Raspberry Pi.
Also, a few dependencies should be installed before the application deployment:
The application runs fine with Azul Zulu Build of OpenJDK for Linux ARM 32-bit.
Note: the current implementation depends on Pi4J Version 2.0
Install Pi4J version 1.4
See Maven Settings
Note: current implementation doesn't use Mosquitto
Mosquitto server can be installed from the Debian repository.
See Mosquitto Debian repository
# On the Raspberry Pi
sudo apt-key add mosquitto-repo.gpg.key
cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
# For Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
sudo wget
sudo apt update
sudo apt install mosquitto mosquitto-clients
Mosquitto starts on boot after the installation.
"mosquitto" system service status check:
sudo systemctl status mosquitto
Add config file:
sudo nano /etc/mosquitto/conf.d/rpi.conf
with the following content:
connection_messages true
Enable Username and Password Authentication:
cd /etc/mosquitto
sudo mosquitto_passwd -c passwds garden
#Enter password for garden user
Update config file /etc/mosquitto/conf.d/rpi.conf with the following content:
allow_anonymous false
password_file /etc/mosquitto/passwds
Restart "mosquitto" system service:
sudo systemctl restart mosquitto
The process implemented with Wagon Maven Plugin
The application jar and Helidon libs
directory content are copied into the device using the
See the application's pom.xml for the details.
The device authentication profile has to be added into servers
element of Maven's settings.xml
The device OS has to be prepared to run the application. See discussion on Pi4J v2 issue #60
Main points:
Pi4J native libs have a dependency on pigpio library. The installation procedure can be found here: Download & Install
I ran through the Download and install the latest version section without any issues:
wget unzip cd pigpio-master make sudo make install
the default pigpio daemon should be stopped
sudo killall pigpiod sudo systemctl disable pigpiod
the application has to be run using
To run the application as systemctl
Linux service:
- put growlabv1.service
- reload systemd manager configuration
systemctl daemon-reload
- start growlabv1.service
systemctl start growlabv1.service
- enable growlabv1.service
systemctl enable growlabv1.service
- see the application logs
journalctl --unit=growlabv1.service -f